Chapter 1

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Felix's POV 

I groan looking at the time "midnight" I whisper to myself. I should take Edgar out before I pass out "Edgar! Come on , let's go on a walk!" I get out of my work chair and grab his leash attaching it to the hyper black pug puppy's collar 

After it's on him I grab my phone and walk out with him

We walk for a few hours with him sniffing everything or growling at people walking around here in Brighton. Maybe I'll visit Jack and Signe tomorrow, I haven't seen them in a while. I wonder what they're doin- I stop when Edgar starts barking 

"Edgar Deutchland" But he keeps barking which is unlike him "I said Deutchland" I command again but nothing. He starts pulling at his leash trying to get to a ally way 

Why the hell not? Might make my night interesting to see some hobo on drugs or some other shit 

I walk over and it's not what I expected. 

It's girl 

Pretty small frame, shortish light brown hair and a little shorter than me. She's in the corner of the ally with some guy standing by her with a knife. Is she being mugged? Why isn't she screaming or talking? 

"Hey asshole! Leave her alone!" the man turns to me. He's a pretty normal height with a black beanie on, a beard like mine, before I shaved, and in black clothing. It's like this is his damn job or something 

He smiles "Who the-?"  "get away from her before I do something about it" "Oh what are you gonna do? Throw your meatballs at me? Oh I'm so scared of a little Swedish boy with a 4 pound dog" He knows I'm Swedish? So either I'm just a ray of Sweden here in the UK or he knows my channel which isn't a surprise 

"I said get the fuck away from her" He glares at the woman then me. "Or I could-" He lunges at me and just as I punch him down his knife cuts my cheek making me drop Edgar's leash as he barks and bites the man 

I grab my cheek as the man runs past me with Edgar behind him. Quickly I step on his leash so he stops. "Deutchland" I command making him come back to me 

I let go of my cheek and look to the woman. I rush over to her and sit in front of her "ma'am are you ok? Did he hurt you?" She shakes her head "Do you have anywhere to go?" Again she shakes her head "Can you speak" She looks up to me with her red tear stained face and brown eyes as she shakes her head 

"Scared?" She shakes her head and starts making signs with her hands, quickly I realize "Are you mute?" She nods making me sigh "Well I don't speak sign language. Sorry" She shrugs "Well if you don't have anywhere to go, you could stay at my place? I don't want him hurting you when you can't even scream to alert someone else" 

She nods so I stand up and hold my hand out to her 

She slowly takes it and I help her up. She weakly stands, but lost her balance. Quickly I catch her "Hey careful, your body might still be in shock from what happened. Is it ok if I carry you there?" She nods so I bend down and lift her up bridal style "I don't live far from here" 

I walk over to Edgar and bend down to grab his leash in the hand that's supporting her legs "Edgar, come" he walks beside me and I walk to my house making sure the man isn't coming back 

I get inside and drop his leash, going to the couch

Gently I set her down. Now I can fully see her clothing, she's in high waist skinny jeans, cute small black boots, and a long sleeve black shirt that's tucked into the jeans

"Do you want a drink?" She shakes her head and yawns. I can hear a faint noise but it's not very loud. Guess her noises are just quieter more than silent like her voice 

"do you wanna sleep here or in my guest ro-" I stop as she fell asleep on the couch "-room" I finish smiling at her. I feel so bad that, that happened to her and she physically couldn't do anything about it 

I go up to the guest room and grab the blanket and a pillow, carrying them down to her 

When I get there Edgar is cuddled into her making me sigh. I gently covered her up then lightly picked up her head and laid the pillow beneath her head. 

She slept so peacefully but no snoring or any other noises for that matter.

It's really sad to think she's never spoke before, but it's as equally creepy that I'm watching her now 

"Edgar come on, up to bed" He just looks at me then lays back down "Traitor" I whisper 

I go up to my room and pass out 

Unheard Beauty (Melix, mute)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora