Chapter Five

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Juno woke up the next morning with a sore throat. He rolled over to see Peter reading a book. "Good morning, darling." He said, his voice sounded a bit hoarse but Juno ignored it, he probably sounded worse. He smiled at Peter. "I-" His voice was rather bad."I don't think I should go to work." He rubbed his throat and laughed hoarsely.

"I assume this is my fault." Peter said, bemused. Juno nodded.Peter stretched and Juno could see the cuts on his back. "I'm sorry." Juno whispered.

"About what? Oh this? Don't be. I find it quite hot, actually."

"O-oh."Juno blushed. Peter laughed and stroked Juno's cheek. He started to kiss the bite marks he had left on Juno. The phone rang. "Yeah?"Juno said picking it up.

"Mista Steel! You gotta come over now, a lady's here and she wants to see you. I told her you don't feel well but she don't care." Juno groaned.

"What is it darling?"

"I have to go to work."

"Who was that mista Steel?"

"Nobody, I'll be there in a bit." He hung up and sighed.

"Would you like some help with that case?"

"Mista Steel, who's that?"

"Uh, Rex Glass."

"Oh! You worked with him on the Kanagawa case right."

"Yes, and I ran into him on the way here. He decided he wanted to help me with whatever case this is." Peter smiled and waved.

"Miss, he's here now!"

"Oh thank goodness!" A blond woman ran in to the room. "You have to help me! My husband is cheating!"

"Uh, huh. Why do you think that?"

"He's been having a lot of late nights at work and when he comes home he's not in the mood for anything and even when he is he's not as good."

"Alright...I didn't need to know all that where does he work?"

After asking all the necessary questions they headed back to Juno's apartment to prepare.

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