Moving In

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Lauren’s POV

“So, did you hear that we have a new couple moving in already?” Cass grunted from the other side of the room.

“Yes I did, and dammit Cass you better not run them away. This is going to be the 3rd couple this year, you can’t keep doing this!” I yelled

“And why can’t I, aren’t you angry as well that these people are moving into your home?” she glared at me.

“No Cass, I’m not! Because unfortunately this isn’t my home anymore! It hasn’t been for years! It hasn’t been since you killed me!” I stalked over to her, letting me anger get the best of me.

“Oh get over it already!” she sneered at me while rolling her eyes

“No Cass! We wouldn’t be stuck in thi-…” I was cut off by the sound of trucks pulling up in front of the house.

“Oohhh, they’re here.” Cass smirked

I sighed while walking slowly over to the window to see it was the mover trucks.

“Where are they?” Cass asked getting annoyed

Just then a young couple that looked to be in their mid-twenties jumped out of a car that had been following the trucks. The man had a striking resemblance to my Zachary, but that was impossible. I heard Cass gasp from right beside me.

“Is that Zachary!?” she yelled pressing herself up against the window in hopes of getting a better look at the man.

“Don’t be ridiculous Cassandra…” I sighed pushing myself away from the window as the young couple walked in holding hands. The woman was gorgeous, blonde hair, but you can tell it wasn’t her natural color. Her arms adorned small, yet elegant tattoos and she had a small lip piercing. She was around 5’6” and had a slim build.

“Oh Zacky it’s beautiful!” she exclaimed wrapping him up in a hug. If we could drink water Cassandra would have spewed it everywhere.

“So his name is Zacky huh? Coincidence? I think not…” Cass said while moving in closer to the couple.

“Cass don’t!!” I said as she reached for the woman’s arm.

Lisa’s POV

“Oh Zacky it’s beautiful!” I said wrapping me arms around him.

“I’m glad you like it,” he said leaning down and kissing me gently on the lips. I felt a cold rush go down my arm and I jerked away from him.

“What’s wrong?” he asked looking slightly worried

“Nothing, just got a cold chill,” I said smiling up at him trying to be reassuring

“Oh, are you sure?” he asked

“Yes,” I said kissing him again

We heard someone clear their throat and we whipped around to see the movers holding the couch.

“Sorry to interrupt, but, where do you want this?” one of them asked and we directed him.

It took quite a few hours but we got all of the furniture into their appropriate rooms, not without a few problems though of course. One of the movers kept complaining about cold chills all over him and that he was hearing voices. When we were done he was the first one out of the house while the others stayed back to talk about being paid.

“How much do we owe you?” Zacky asked while pulling out his checkbook.

After we got all of the expenses done, Zacky and I laid down on the couch to watch a little bit of TV before I started dinner.

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