The Mission Of A Fangirl (Merlin Fan-Fic)

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Prologue: Caution, contains spoilers. 

I watched as Merlin bid Arthur Farewell and tears streamed down my cheek. My heart was throbbing with pain and a huge lump in my throat as the boat with Arthur in it sailed away. *Zoom out* Then all of a sudden I see a bus whizzing past and a really old Merlin wearing a beanie just jogging along the way and barely stopping to look at the lake.

No no no no! It's not right! He was supposed to come back to life! ALBIAN NEEDS HIM. THIS CAN'T END LIKE THIS. I then started shaking the telly as tears raced down my cheeks and made me more of a hot mess. Arthur was supposed to live happily ever after with Gwen and lay off Merlin so that Merlin could marry me and we could have kids and then we could live happily ever after. For about what felt like half an hour, I stayed frozen. My eyes gaping at the telly, looking at the credits while the music played. I couldn't take it anymore I started shaking, my mind was shaking too, I assure you. I couldn't let this happen, I had to do something. I ripped off my lucky bracelet and threw it at the telly. Nothing happened. I screamed and howled at the telly. Nothing still. I ran to the veranda and looked up into the sky waiting for a miracle. Waiting for a shooting star. What? Don't judge me. I was a desperate soul in search of hope and my optimism had probably reached it's peak. So there I stood. Gazing into the night sky. More like frantically ransacking it in search of a shooting star. 

It seemed a bit odd. From where I lived you could see loads of them everyday but the day I needed one noooo nature had to go on a shooting star strike. I just sat there, looking up, now my eyes all puffy and red. I felt like I couldn't breathe. I was going hysterical. My life had just come to an end. MERLIN had just ended and that too in such a harsh, terrible way. I was willing to be stupid enough and wish up on a shooting star to bring Merlin back or change the ending. I had to. I needed some hope to go on. A fangirl life isn't easy my friend. It ruins you and breaks you and rips you apart but you adore it and you adore your fandom and you cannot live without it. Well yes, that was pretty much my life in a nutshell. I had watched all 5 seasons of Merlin in a few days and now that I had devoted my soul to it and it had ended my soul had been crushed. But no, not my spirit! I grabbed my phone and switched to Facebook, I went and liked every Merlin page possible (the ones I hadn't initially liked). I then went and signed all these bring back Merlin petitions. I was a fan and I was going to keep my fandom going! Yes those were the thoughts until I succumbed to depression once more and lay down flat on the veranda floor. I remember praying to a god I didn't really know existed before drifting to sleep as the tears still kept coming. My phone was still next to me with some random Merlin page open. I remember having a dream something to do with Colin Morgan holding my hand and then there was a blinding light. Those are all the memories I had of that night. 

Ouch. My head hurt so did my eyes. It was afternoon. The first thought that hit me "Why the eff did no one wake me up?"  Oh right. My parents were going to be away for about 4 days, thats right. So on this terrible terrible sorrowful morning I was going to have to be alone. I started making my way to the kitchen. There must have been some mint chocolate chip Ice cream. I was just about to open the fridge when… "Excuse me?"  I turned around to face a silver bearded oaf with a wooden stick,wearing a dyed T-shirt and a really long grey skirt. Oh great. A hippy intruder on the day I was mourning. My first intstinct? I shrieked and grabbed hold of a frying pan. Well, Tangled had to teach me something right?  The old man scowled and then said, "Those are outrageous manners young lass! To summon and then disrespect me?" 

"SUMMON you? Who are you supposed to be now? Gandalf? Dumbledore? Or the old unicorn dude from Merlin? Because I'm pretty sure I don't have a thing for old men to go around summoning them otherwise." I said, still pointing my frying pan in his direction. 

"Old man! This is outrageous!" He stormed, "You shall not adress me like that! I am the Valador!" He said all proud and wonderfully. 

"Oh okay… 'Old Man' Why are you in my house?"  I said, still pointing the frying pan.

"Was it not you that summoned me as I rode on the star? The Star of Galibar."

Okay so… I had actually manage to wish on a star. Okay. WHAT ON EARTH?!?!?! Those things aren't supposed to be real. But apparently they are and I unleashed some hippy looking Oaf with a stick who calls himself a Valador. Ah yes yes, I'm pretty sure that's not the weirdest thing possible. Okay I'm cool. I'm not freaking out. *Brain meltdown* ASDFGHJKL:" 

He watched me as I gaped at his face for 10 whole minutes and then depicting how frustrated he was, he sighed and flung something at me. Quickly I shielded myself with the frying pan. PLOP. That was the noise when the purple pendant he threw at me hit the ground. 

"That should do the work. I can't bother explaining things to you mortals... too thick headed. Just know that that pendant is a gateway. You can alter the scenes. Remember you arent meeting the actual people... just do your job..."

"Wait what? Meeting who? What job? Galibar? Pendant? What's happening? I must be dreaming."

"Mortals. Too thick headed. You will be visiting the scenes of whatever that show is that you wanted to save or whatever. It's the character you will meet. Not the real people. You can alter the scenarios as you wish. To answer your last question Galibar is the land of dreams myth and magic. I shall be off now before you assume I'm an intruder who seeks mental asylum--- mind you all mortals do--- or before you ask more questions because you mortals have nothing better to do." 

And with that he was gone. Just in a poof he had disappeared. Okay now let's forget that an old hippy stranger in my kitchen gave me a pendant in the kitchen and that any normal person would call the police and throw the pendant away thinking it was a bomb. Let's forget that I don't remember wishing on a star only and concentrate on the pendant shall we? Okay I can now visit MERLIN!! Alright! And I can now save Arthur is it? Sounds fantastic. Lets for one moment just pretend it's possible and that I'm not a psychopath. Since I am a fangirl and my brain works in different ways, that is the version which it decided to go with. But I had one more question. It wasn't about who a Valador was or what Galibar was or why on earth was I so lucky or how on earth did things escalate to this situation. I believed every single word the oaf said. I just didn't know how to use the pendant. I thought of the way they do all these powerful magical things in the movies. I held the pendant in my hand. Shut my I eyes and forced my brain to do something god knows what and then I did the master move. I stiffened my gut and made the constipated face while I chanted, "Merlin Merlin Merlin." I tried opening my eyes but there was a blur and all the colours strated mixing up and it wasn't long before a gash of warm air knocked me out. (I think that was my fart... not really sure) Aaand that's how I embarked on this dangerous mission. 

Oh by the way my name is Ann. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2014 ⏰

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