Green and the New Blue

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They say that if you have green eyes, then you're mysterious and very rare.  I have them.  So does my mom.  Somehow, my eye color is dominant.  Dominant, meaning that it overpowered the grey in my dad's eyes.  I still remember when she used to tell me how special I was, because of my green eyes.  Mom would always tell me that I am a "one in a million".  Now, my mom is gone.  No, she is not dead.  Just gone.  And all I have left; is a father who tells me how worthless and stupid I am, because of my green eyes.


School.  Call me crazy, but I love school.  School  was a safe haven from my father.  I mean; teachers never yell at their students, and call them "A Disappointment to Society"School  was where I could make my own friends.  The fake ones dad made me have never liked me anyways.  School  was where I could be myself.  "Being free" wasn't exactly considered to be "civilized", according to my father. 

I made my way out the door.  But before I could make it out the door, someone grabbed my shoulders.  I turned around.  Father.  Of course, I couldn't miss his "Daily Words of Encouragement".

"Don't disappoint me."  He said sternly.  "You are already one at home."  He let go of my shoulders.

"Yes, Father."  I said, as I nodded obediently.  I walked out the door.  "Goodbye, Father!"  No answer.  As always.

I walked out of the gates of the house, protecting my mansion (Father is a well-known French businessman.) from the outside world.  Or as Father would say, "The Merciless, Deadly, and Selfish World".  I continued on my short way to school.  I made it to school in less than ten minutes; realizing that Nino, nor Alya aren't here yet.  

Nino is my best friend.  We've been friends since the start of high school.  He and I have so much in common, except for the for the fact that Nino actually  has loving parents.  Alya is Nino's girlfriend, and also my friend.  She's cool, I guess.  I do hang out with her, but that is only when I go third-wheeling with them.  Those two aren't my only friends, though.  I'm practically friends with the whole school.  I wouldn't say that I'm popular, or a cool kid.  I'm just well-known.

Anyways, I waited at the school steps for my friends.  It all seemed like a normal day, until someone tapped on my shoulder.  I turned around, as I found myself looking at a petite girl.  Never seen her, before.

"Excuse me,"  She said, looking at a piece of paper, showing her classes.  "I'm new here, so can you help me find a class?"  She asked.  

"Sure."  I answered, taking her paper.  Strange.  She has the same classes as me.  I guess that means that the "New Girl"  will be in my class.  "Your classes are the same as mine."  I said, handing the paper back to her.  She nodded her head, making eye-contact with me.  She has blue eyes that shined like sapphires.  I quickly looked away, as soon as I realized that I was staring at her.

"It is?"  She asked.  The sunlight suddenly shined into her long hair, causing it to have a bluish tint to it.  "Well, that's convenient."  She smiled.

"Well, we only have a couple more minutes before school starts, so shall we get going?"  I suggested.

"Okay."  She said.  "My name is Marinette.  Marinette Dupain-Cheng."  She extended her hand for me to shake, which I did.

"My name is Adrien Agreste."  I said.  

"School's about to-" 

"Sup bro."  Nino said, interrupting Marinette.  "New girl?"  Marinette nodded.

"Oh, cool."  Alya beamed, brushing her brown hair aside.  "Is she in our class?"  Marinette nodded again.  "Well, my name is Alya Césaire, and this is Nino Lahiffe."  Alya introduced herself and Nino.

"I'm Marinette, and we should get going."  Marinette motioned us to go towards the school building.  "The teacher's probably  gonna have to introduce me to the class."


We rushed inside the school, and quickly towards our classroom.  Just as the bell rang, our teacher, Mrs. Bustier, was about to take attendance.  As predicted, Marinette was called to the teacher's desk.  They chatted, as we took our seats.  Then, the teacher stood up.

"Okay, class.  Settle down."  The class began to quiet down.  "We have a new student joining us, today."  Mrs. Bustier placed a hand on Marinette's shoulder, as Marinette smiled shyly towards the class.  "Her name is Marinette.  Can you tell us a little bit about yourself, before we start class?"  Marinette nodded.

"My name is Marinette Dupain-Cheng.  You guys probably know my parents.  They work in the Boulangerie Patisserie.  You know, that bakery?"  The class started whispering quietly, until Kim; that athletic  kid; suddenly had the guts to blurt something out.

"You're parents make the best energy-filled things on Earth!"  Kim blurted out.  The whole class, including Marinette, were laughing.  The laughing died down when the teacher suddenly gave the class "That Look".  And with that, Kim decided that it was best to shut his mouth.

"Anyways,"  Marinette directed the attention back onto her.  "I just turned fourteen."  I looked over at Chloe; that mean and popular  girl; who rolled her eyes, so hard, they looked like they were gonna pop out.  "I also like fashion designing and video games."  The "video games" part caught Max's; that gamer nerd's; attention.

"Okay, Marinette."  Mrs. Bustier smiled.  "Please, choose a seat."  Marinette nodded and looked around.  Alya, quickly patted her hand onto the seat right next to her.  Marinette took the hint and sat right next to her.

"Okay, class."  The teacher called.  "Today, we will be learning about the American language and culture."  The whole class groaned, except for Marinette.  She took a long, dramatic sigh; causing Alya and Nino to giggle.

"Cute."  I mumbled under my breath.  "Real cute."  Needless to say, Nino heard me and elbowed me on the side.

"I heard that."  He said, quietly.

"Whatever."  I whispered, as I took mental-notes of what the teacher is writing on the board.  

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