Lunch in Her Honor

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My green eyes wandered from the teacher's notes on the board to the clock.  Lunch is in five minutes.  They wander back onto my piles of completed papers.  Without helping it, my green eyes soon wander back onto the clock.  Lunch in one minute.  No, fifty seconds.  Thirty seconds.  Twenty seconds.  Ten.  Five.  Four.  Three.  Two.  One.  The bell rang, signaling the end of class, and the start of the "Break Period"; also commonly known as, "Freedom".  I quickly passed my work in, and quickly packed up all of my stuff.  

"Remember to study the assigned pages!"  Mrs.  Bustier called out to the other teens, as they quickly hurried out the door.  "And remember to study for that quiz, which is in a week."  It seemed that as soon as Break Period started, everyone ignored  the teachers.  Mrs. Bustier sighed, as she sat down at her desk.

"Hey Adrien."  Marinette said, as she carried her pink bag; and was walking out the door of class beside me.  "Why don't you come join Alya, Nino, and me?  We're going to my bakery for lunch.  You know, in my honor?"  Marinette offered.  I was about to say yes, until I remembered one of many of my father's rules.  

"No sugar."  Father's voice rang into my head, like an annoying song being played for an infinite amount of times.  "It's bad for you, and causes terrible diseases."  I seemed so lost in my thoughts of deciding whether or not to eat out with my friends, that I ignored Marinette for a moment.

"Adrien?"  Marinette poked my shoulder, as she tried to get attention from me.  "Do you want to go with us?"  She asked again.  "It's free, you know."

"I'd love to come along, but-"

"Adrien can't."  Alya said, suddenly coming from behind me; and also scaring the living crap out of me.  "But he does really want to go with us."  She adjusted her glasses, so that they were higher up onto her nose.  "It's just that he can't."  She paused.  "In fact, his dad has to approve of the choice of food  that we give him before meals."  Marinette's jaw dropped.

"Why?"  Marinette asked, tilting her head to side.  "That is the most ridiculous thing that I've ever heard."  Marinette pulled her long hair behind her back.  "Why?"  She asked again.

"His dad is against 'junk food'.  Well, it's basically pastries, candies, and other sugary foods that pisses  him off the most."  Nino, who was behind Alya, explained.  "It ain't his fault, though."  Nino adjusted his glasses.  "Being a son of a business man, that is."  Marinette nodded understandably.

"Have you ever had sweets in your life?"  Marinette asked.  I nodded.

"Yeah."  Nino said, taking off his red cap.  "Alya and I have even sneaked a few cookies for him once and a while."  He added, elbowing Alya and I in the sides.  Alya seemed amused, but I felt so mortified.

"Nino!"  I exclaimed, as we reached the school courtyard.  "I told you and Alya to never speak of that to a living soul!"  I looked at Marinette, as I felt my face turn red and hot.  She was trying her hardest not to laugh.  That will just leave a lasting impression on her, wouldn't it?

"I know!  How about this?"  Marinette said.  "We should all go to the bakery and go grab some sweets,"  I stopped breathing.  Has she forgotten about me?  "Along with some 'healthy'  things, so that you won't feel left out."  I felt relieved.  "Now, how does that that sound?"  Marinette asked, sounding like a preschool teacher.

"That sounds like a very good idea."  I agreed.  "That is, if it's no trouble with you."

"Oh no."  Marinette beamed.  "It's all good.  I mean, it's all in my honor."  Marinette smiled.  "Of coming here and making new acquaintances." She added.

"Friends."  I corrected her, as she started giggling.  "Consider us all friends to you."  I said, as Marinette nodded.  "Anyways, should we get going?"  Marinette smiled and nodded again.

"Sounds like a good idea."  Alya winked at Nino.  Oh no.

"Oh yeah, I totally agree."  Nino winked at Alya.  I pretended not to notice it.  "We should go right now, before the period ends."  Nino paused to look at his phone.  "Which is in forty-five minutes.  Thank goodness they give us an hour worth of freedom."


We walked from our school to Marinette's parents' bakery.  It turns out that she lives in the same building as the bakery.  Which is cool; considering the fact that she not only lives close to the school, but she also lives right near my house.  That means that I could come and visit her (If my father allows me.) whenever I want to.  

"Here."  Marinette handed Alya and Nino a paper bag of pastries.  "Go crazy."  She smiled at them, as they quickly ate the lunch.

"Thith ith stho goodth."  Alya said, with mouth full.  "Sthorry.  Excthuthse my mannerths."   Marinette giggled.

"Whatever."  Nino said.  He clearly  has manners.  "I've been to this place very often, so I basically get treasures every time I come here."  Nino said.  "In fact, I sometimes see you helping out your parents."  Marinette nodded.  Even her nodding is cute.  

"Oh, wait."  Marinette turned around, to look at me.  "I can't forget about you."  She smiles; as it blinded me, due to the brightness of her smile.  She walked back inside to get my lunch.  Marinette came back out with a smaller paper bag.

"Here."  Marinette said, handing me the bag.  "Don't worry.  You're dad won't find out about this, mainly because it's made out of eggs."  

"Thanks."  I said, as I opened the paper bag; revealing a box of meringues.  "These look good."

"Why don't you try one?"  Marinette said.  I slowly placed one into my mouth.  Not bad.  "If he finds out, somehow, just tell him that the eggs are an important source of energy."  She explained.

"These are really good."  I said, as I looked over at Alya and Nino.  Alya winked at Nino, and Nino winked at her back.  I pretended to not notice anything happening between them.

We finished our lunches, in a snap.  Before we knew it, we only had ten minutes to get back to class.  We practically sprinted back to school.  We were all sweating from running as the bell rang.  As I sat down, I took a short glance at the classroom.  What caught my attention, was that Chloe was glaring at Marinette.  

Looks like someone's gonna die, today.

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