Chapter 7~ Seems as though I rained on your parade

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I wake up fully now and it's around 11:00 a.m. Oli's scent still lingered in my sheets. I lay there for a moment, taking it in and adjusting to the light that fills my room from the window beside me.

My body jolted suddenly as my phone broke the silence of my morning. I reach over to my bedside table, grab it and look at the screen to see who it was. The caller ID revealed to me that it was Rebekah.

"H-hello?" I managed to say in my groggy morning voice.

"Someone sounds stupendous." I hear her sly remark.

"As always."

"How about we hang out today? Maybe go to the movies or whatever you wanna do. Since both of our boyfriends are at work."

"Sure. Come and pick me up and we'll get breakfast." I say then realize, " wait, how do you know Oli is working too?" She laughs.

"Austin is working with Oli's band today. He said they might record a song together or something like that."

"Oh, that's cool. I bet it will come out kick ass!"

"Yeah, I know! Well okay, I'll let you get ready and I'll be there in like 30 minutes, okay?"

"Alright, see you then." I hang up.

I jump out of bed, this time ignoring the coldness at my feet. I have to shower and get ready all in 30 minutes so let's go.


I managed to get ready in time because she buzzed at my apartment door just as I walked out of my bathroom. I grabbed my phone and headed to the door and opened it. I was greeted by her stunning blue eyes and black hair. I have to admit, ever since she dyed it black, she looked pretty damn good. Not that she didn't before but, this look fits her well.

"Hey!" I step up to her and hug her. She hugs back.

"How are you?"

"HUNGRY! Please take me to the nearest McDonalds before I die!" My mouth was watering now just thinking of food. I get so hungry in the morning. 

Now that I think about it..I think we may go there too much.


Rebekah and I walked in and ordered our food and sat at the nearest booth.

"Soooooo, how are you and Oli Wollie?" She asked, sipping some of her orange juice.

I laughed at the way she said his name. "Great. He spent the night with me last night and he hasn't in awhile so it was special, in a way." I smiled and began eating my sausage biscuit.

"Ooooh," she was now moving her eyebrows up and down, "did you doooo it?"

I almost choked on my biscuit laughing, "Rebekah! For fucks sake!"

"Whaaaat?!" She was laughing now.

"Didn't I say I would tell you if we ever did 'that'?" I held my fingers up making air quotations. Yeah, I think we may still act like we're high schoolers at times.

"Yeah, but it's weird. You guys have been going for like, what.. three months and still haven't done it?" She said, lowering her voice to make sure the people around us couldn't hear.

"So? Ugh just-," I sound so lame right now. I bet her and Austin did it a million times plus one, "It happens when it happens I guess, okay?"

Rebekah throws her hands up, "Hey now don't have to get defensive. It was just a question." I realized I did sound a little defensive.

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