Chapter 2•Partner

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"Um... sure...," Fall said, he grabbed a random loose pencil from his pencil case.

"Thanks!" She whispered shyly.

She quickly got back to work and Fall turned to face his work. She started whisper to something. He jotted down the directions as the teacher so fast, he didn't know what he even was writing. The weird events that had happened this morning were storming around his head and kept on getting faster.

"Now please head over to your partners," Ms. Lucile announced.

Fall was so focused on what had happened today, Fall really wasn't paying attention about his partner's name. Everyone started standing up and walking to a desk.

Fall pushed his way through the crowd to his teacher. Ms. Lucile was currently reading a book.

"Um... excuse me, Ms. Lucile?" Fall asked his teacher. "Who is- um... my partner for this project, again?"

Ms. Lucile placed down her book and glared at Fall from over the top of her glasses.

Ms. Lucile sighs, "Wintera."

"And who is-" Fall started.

Ms. Lucile placed her finger at his mouth to silence him, and pointed at the girl he had seen behind him.

"Oh," Fall glanced.

Fall took his paper to the dest where Wintera was sitting and started the questions to his paper right away.

Wintera looked up, surprised to see that fall had just arrived. She waited for a second or two before asking a question because it would be weird to her to ask a question right after he arrived.

"Hey, um, do you know the answer to number 3?" Wintera asked.

Fall glanced up at Wintera.

"Uh- I'm only on number 2," he replied.

"Oh...," she says embarrassed. "Oops. Sorry then."

She had a purple and pink sweater on with a pink bow and something that looked like a hair tie that had one pink ball and a purple-pink ball that is slightly smaller than it on her other ear. She had blue and yellow eyes, eye colors that he have never seen before.

" Hey, are you okay?" Wintera asked worriedly.

"Oh, right sorry," he replied.

Fall realized that she was not a dog like he thought she was, but she was a goat instead. He had seen another goat in the school before, Mrs. Dreemurr. They look related. Fall hesitated to ask her if Mrs. Dreemurr was her mother.

"Um... are you going to work or not?" Wintera questioned him.

Fall glanced down again and answered the packet how the teacher had assigned to him. He was finally on the page with the partner activity. He read the instructions:
This partner activity will base around your ability to work with others that you have never spoken to before. You will be making a powerpoint on Mt. Ebott. You can design the project however you want, but you must follow some basic requirements.

That seemed easy enough.

1. You must show how the roots of Mt. Ebott are easy to trip on.

They could just go to the entrance.

2. Talk about the eight people that fell down Mt. Ebott, but also consider specifically talking about the first human. For more details, look below.*

Easy enough, he met some and his parents met some too. But... the first human? He was pretty sure no one had met them.

3. Talk about some of the monsters underground, and the places you can explore.

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