I don't want you to stop.

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"I need to stop." You said before you brought the glass to your lips and took a drink.

"As you take another drink..." Adam said with a chuckle.

"Shut it Page." You said.

You were drinking away your frustration. You knew when you joined the Bullet Club that as a female you would be some eye candy to walk down to the ring with them, and a possible distraction during matches. You hadn't spent fifteen months of your life in a wrestling academy to be a piece of arm candy that some guy walks down to the ring with. You hadn't given up birthdays, weddings, funerals, and other huge life moments of your friends and family to be a distraction so that your guys could get a win. You knew what you were agreeing to when you joined the Bullet Club, but there were nights like tonight that you wished you could go back and make a different decision.

"What's on your mind? You never drink this much." He observed.

"Doesn't matter." You said.

"It does matter. Now c'mon, you can tell me." He said as he took a seat on the bar stool next to you.

"Like I said it doesn't matter. I need to stop drinking." You said.

"I don't want you to stop." He said quietly.

"Why's that?" You asked.

"Cause you're cute when you're tipsy." He said before he brought his beer to his lips and took a drink.

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