Chapter one - Come with me

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Dating fucking sucks

Actually, speaking of dating, I'm coming home from a date right now. And considering I'm walking home alone as the sun's setting, you can probably tell that it totally flopped.

Ugh, why did it have to fail so hard? then I could've at least had someone to walk me home and I wouldn't have to be as paranoid as I am right now. I really am starting to regret taking this shortcut, it's a really quick way home normally, but then again I've only walked down this road in the day, never as the sky was darkening.

I continue walking down the dark road, the streetlights not seeming to be very effective at lighting up the deserted street. "It's really starting to get dark now," I think to myself, starting to walk faster since I suddenly have a feeling that I'm not alone.

I start to shake, my breathing getting faster with every step I take, my anxiety freaking out. I reach into my purse and start feeling around, desperately searching for the pepper spray I normally keep in there. What.. What?! WHAT?!

Where the fuck is my fucking pepper spray? Did I seriously leave it at home? Now? Why the fuck is this the one time I forget it- My thoughts are abruptly stopped as I hear footsteps that don't belong to me. This is how I'm going to die.

Within two seconds I hurl my heels off, making it easier for me to sprint to my house, which was reasonably close by now. As I approached my front door I once again reach into my bag, but this time fumbling around for my keys instead of pepper spray.

I finally reach the entrance to my house, swiftly shoving the blue key into the keyhole, unlocking the door. I violently open the door, slamming it behind me after I've entered. I feel the relief wash over me as my fast, shallow breathing turns into slow and heavy breaths.

...Hold up...

My heart dropped as I finally heard the loud banging on my door instead of the sound of my own heartbeat. I thought unwelcomed knocking from a serial killer was a scary noise, but the sound of your door smashing to the ground is way more horrifying.

I regret not running to the kitchen to grab a knife to defend myself with. All I can do is bury my face in my knees, wrap my arms around myself for comfort, and start preparing for death.

"Are you... crying?" ...Did he- What?

A good minute of questioning what the hell's happening must've gone by before I looked up at the strange man who... hasn't killed me yet?

I can feel myself shaking and I was apparently crying without noticing, at least that's what my blurred vision and wet cheeks are implying. "W-What?" I muttered breathlessly, avoiding eye contact with the man at all costs.

The intruder inhaled deeply, "Why the fuck didn't you just wait when I told you to? I said 'wait' around 50 times," he barked, startling me and causing the tears to start falling again.

I'm not normally this pathetic, not at all actually, but right now I'm terrified and confused to a point that I can't describe. I have so many questions but I feel like I can't speak or even move for that matter.

His shoulders visibly relaxed, "Wait, no, don't cry- I'm sorry just don't cry, seriously, please? I don't know how to handle crying!" He sounded frustrated, and he started tapping his fingers against my wall rhythmically.

"Who are you..?" I whispered, not seeming to have the strength to speak any louder. "What do you want..?" I sniffled "Why are you following me..." He stayed quiet, not answering me. I don't want to die...

I must've said the last thing out loud, since he actually responded, "You're not going to die, if I wanted to kill you I would've done it a long time ago." He sighed, seeming to start getting annoyed with me.

"Just come with me and don't question it, everything will be answered soon enough, but not right now, so stop wasting your breath." Come with him..? If he's not going to kill me then is he going to rape me? But he actually seems quite nice. Why isn't he being more aggressive?

"Sorry, but this is going to be much easier for both of us" "Wha-" Before I could question anything I felt an excruciating pain in my head, I attempted to make a noise but couldn't manage to even take a breath. My vision faded away and so did my consciousness.

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