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Getting him to simply smile was harder than you thought.

Stoic, one would describe the cyan themed android. Expressing emotions would be considered a rare occurrence for him. You liked him anyway, of course. You were determined to get something out of him today. Whether it be a frown or upside down, you wanted to see his blank face change.


It was a familiar voice to him, one that would be there when needed. He turned around to see you running towards him.

'What is it?'

It was a simple reply, but a reply nonetheless. Grabbing his arm, you beamed at him.

'Let's do something today! It is your off day, isn't it?'

Glancing at you, the cyan-haired figure shrugged his shoulders before giving a reply.

'Sure, why not. It's not like I had a plan for today anyway.'

Upon hearing his reply, he noticed that your eyes seemed to twinkle brighter than usual. Confused, he allowed himself to be dragged into town by you.


The bustling city was a beautiful sight in the early evening, with the lights shining and people shuffling around. There was the smell of baked goods from bakeries and floral scents from flowers along the pavements. Decked out in simple disguises, you two strolled around the city for some time. Ai wasn't used to the city since he was often given a heavy schedule. A breather like this once in a while was definitely refreshing. He looked down at you, who was practically jumping up and down while looking around. He obviously couldn't see why. Realising you were still holding onto his arm, he tapped your hands, bringing you back to reality.

'Um, your hands..?'

You let go immediately, realising what you were doing. Ai noticed a faint dust of pink on your cheeks, but he decided not to question it. Without hesitation, you turned towards him.

'Ai! Ai! Let's go to the amusement park!'

Forgetting what happened immediately, you beamed. Without any say, Ai let himself get dragged off again.


The amusement park was packed with families, bringing their children out to play. Ai let himself be dragged off by you to go on several rides and shops, letting him be dressed in anything you threw onto him. Your excitement seemed to resemble a small child's, Ai noted. It made him feel rather upbeat.



The day was ending, and families was heading home with their exhausted children. You dragged Ai to the last attraction you had wanted to ride, which was the Ferris Wheel. Upon reaching the line, you realised it was mostly filled with couples. Your face was no longer dusted a faint blush like earlier, but was instead a deep crimson red. Ai was completely lost, he cocked his head sideways, only for you to see the small action he did and die a little on the inside. Feeling like backing out, you were ushered to the front of the line and into one of the carriages. Too late now.

Ai realised that you had been quiet since you boarded the carriage, but he decided to let it play it out on its own for the time being. After some excruciating silence between the two of you, you finally mustered up the courage to look up from that one interesting spot on your shoe. Your eyes widened at the sight. The view from the top of the Ferris Wheel was stunning. The lights from the city were dancing and the evening sky was a sight to behold. The nervousness from before had completely dissipated and you were practically leaning against the window of the carriage. Your eyes were twinkling again. Ai was feeling warm on the inside. He was feeling so foreign to it, it was the first time he had felt something like this afterall. However, his heart decided to take over. The corners of his lips twitched into a small, genuine grin. It was barely visible, but it was definitely there. You turned towards him, wanting to share the feelings of the breathtaking view, only to be frozen by the sight you saw.

Ai was smiling.

It was definitely a sight you had to cherish. It was rare, but it was beautiful. He looked like an innocent child, eyes lost in the infinite sparkles of light from the city. Upon realising you were staring, he turned back to you, his emotionless expression returning.

'What's wrong? You're staring at me, you know.'

Blinking your eyes to bring yourself back to earth, you averted your eyes from his, allowing a faint dust of pink to cover your cheeks once again.

'You should smile more, Ai.'

With wide eyes and a slightly agape mouth, Ai felt his face start to warm up. Unable to realise his face was coated with faint pink as well. He simply replied with a smile.



°"thank you."

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