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Ashley's POV---

I don't need him. All of a sudden I'm important? Oh, whatever! Such a lie. he wants to talk to me? Not gunna happen. I hate him. I hate guys. I hate people. The second I got into math I slammed my books on my desk. I mentally groaned because everyone was now staring at me. I just sat down and pulled out a notebook. Of course Dylan was right behind me before the bell rung.
"Phhhhhhhh, Ashley."
I mentally grounded again. Just ignore him. He'll give up. I suddenly felt someone poking me. Ughhhhh. I'm not gunna lie, warmth ran through my body like no other. Why does he do this to me? I hate this boy. A note was flung onto my desk. Why can't he just give up? I grabbed it. I couldn't help myself. I had to read it.

Ashley, please. Just listen. You don't even have to talk. Just listen.

Uhhhh no. Not gunna happen. I flung the note back. I regret it so soon as I did it. After all these years of my wanting him, he wants me, and I won't let him? Oh my, what's wrong with me?

Dylan's POV-----

I wish she would just look at me. For two seconds, enough time for her to see the pain in my eyes. Why was I so mean to her? Good god, what is wrong with me? Why am I expecting her to forgive me after everything I did to her. The bell rung and I lost my train of thought. I grabbed Ashley's arm.

"Please Ash... Please?"

She just looked at me with pain in her eyes and slowly shook her head no. I felt my heart go in a million places. I felt like I was going to die. She slowly backed away with guilt and regret across her face. My whole body wanted to just grab her and hold her. Hold her and never let go. She rushed to grab her stuff and race out of the room. The only thing she forgot was her notebook. I grabbed it and ran to get it to her. But I lost her. The bell rung and I sighed. my whole life is messed up. I couldn't help myself, I went to grab the cover of her notebook to look in it when I heard a scream from the other side of the school. An ear bleeding scream. Ashley's scream..

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