Chapter 7

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(pic made by me

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(pic made by me. i used another app. but its not that good, but it'll do)

My eyes opened to see the light of day shining through the window. I didn't feel good, but felt okay at the same time. I looked to my left. 

Oh god.....

I sat up quickly, gently taking Frisk in my arms. She didn't look so good. She feels hot. Really hot.

"F-Frisk.......?" I quietly spoke, hoping she can hear me. The answer I got was a soft, weak grunt. 

She's sick....really sick...

I gently laid her back down, and quickly dug into my backpack to pull out the first aid kit. I opened it and pulled out a rag. I closed the kit and pulled out a water bottle, the last one I had. I opened the bottle and put the rag on top of the bottle, and turned it upside down and quickly pulled it up again. I did this a few times, until the rag was wet. I gently put it on top of Frisk's forehead, causing her to yelp from the wet, cold rag. "It's okay, Frisk. I'm right here, and i'm never leaving your side."

Frisk smiled, despite her feeling very sick. I held her hand, even they are hot. "We can stay here for an hour or two before heading out, sis" I told her. "Everything's okay. I'm here." and with that, Frisk went back to a quiet sleep. 

"You're a very good sister. You know that, right?"  I heard a familiar voice say behind me, causing me to blush....just a little

As I felt the tiny blush go away, I turned around to face G. He was sitting up holding his skull/head (or whatever), the side where I wrapped his skull with the band-aid.. One eye socket closed, the other half opened and looking at me. "Th-thanks" I replied "How are you feeling?" I asked, giving him a worried yet confused look in my eyes. "Don't worry dove, i'm okay" He said, giving me a kind smile while sitting. I stood up and sat next to him. "Frisk is sick.....really sick." I told him, Looking at him as he looked at me.

(Okimma : KIIIIISS!!!!! Me: SHADDAP I DO DAT.........later..............ummm.....................*MAGICAL POOF*)

"I don't know what to do....she doesn't usually get this sick" I told him. "What if it gets worse? We don't have medicine. A-and I don't know if I can do anything to help her.....I-i'm so scared.." I could feel myself tearing up as I looked down. That's when I felt boney, yet soft, gentle arms around me, pulling them close to them. G was hugging me tightly. That's when I let the tears fall down my cheeks. I returned the hug softly, then tightly, sobbing onto G's shoulder. "...I-i'm.....I-I-I'm sc-scared....." I managed to choke out. I fell so lost and scared. G rubbed my back, calming me down. "It's okay, Dove" he said, pulling me closer to him. "She's gonna be okay. Trust me"

I trusted him with all my heart, with my soul. We stayed like that for what felt like hours, my sobs calming, my hiccuping turned into soft breathing.

~DISCONTINUED~The War Between Us (G!Sans x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now