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The book was being a huge success.

Alexa was receiving a lot of good reviews because of how well written the book was and how the girls - and boys - really felt in this type of situation. But she also received bad reviews because some fans didn't accept an opinion about some unknown girl who though she knew her idol.

Alexa couldn't disagree more. They were the ones who didn't know their idol but she really didn't care about their opinion. It was their problem not hers.

Now, Tom Holland didn't expect this at all. He didn't expect that Alexa would write a book about him and how bad he - supposed - treated her.

Tom was receiving a lot of attention, mostly bad ones, and he didn't know what to do. He was losing the control of this situation. People were mad at him because they thought he treated Alexa wrong and she didn't deserved that.

Some of his fans, on the other hand, believed in him and he needed that. He needed someone to believe in him and understand that he didn't do that on purpose. It just happened.

Then, Tom Holland decided to prove everyone wrong.

Tom Holland decided to prove Alexa wrong.

Tom Holland decided to win Alexa's trust back because well, he didn't forget about her.

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