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A/N; This is my first story that I will be publishing. No judging. As it's said in the bio there are two owner's of this account. I'm 💜 so if you see a 💜 at the end of a story I was the one who wrote it. I won't be editing these so there may be lots and lots of mistakes, sorry about it.
I remember the first day I met you, I hated you. You were cocky, an asshole and just a fuck boy... well at least you came off as that. But, as time went by I realised how you changed my life and I will forever be grateful for that.

"Baby, get up," a voice whispered. You groaned and rolled over only to be pulled back. You felt soft kisses all over your face and You couldn't help but smile and bite your lip.

"Why can't we stay here a bit longer?" You asked as Your opened one of my eyes. He kissed your lips and then pulled back.

"Because you have to get to your job today," he said. You pouted as he sat up. You rolled over and wrapped your arms around his waist.

"I'll call in sick, just stay with me, please," You stared up into his eyes. He stared at you and then sighed before laying back down. You grinned and cuddled into him.

"You're too cute to resist," he mumbled while closing his eyes. You snuggled your head into his chest and closed your eyes as well.

"And you're too hot to leave," You mumbled while leaving soft kisses on his collar bone. He smiled and stroked your hair.

"I love you, baby," he whispered as he leaned down and kissed your head. You smiled and snuggled closer into him.

"I love you, too, hubby," You whispered before drifting off.

I'm glad I fell in love with you.

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