Guns | Roses --Part 2--

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"Can someone tell me how the hell they got into our system?" I demand bursting into the Cyber Block.

"{Last Name}! Glad you arrived. We obviously know who did this but I have no idea how." Calm, he responded.

"Spill what you have, Naruse." I was frantic for details.

"The Kuroi Kishi has been after us for a long time, no? We have a captive who works under them. Caught 'em not too long after we found you."


"Pay her a visit. I know computers, but you know people. It's for research, {Last Name}. Cell B thirty-eight."

"Thank you." I turn to leave.

"Oh and while you're there, I'll be here trying to re-establish security and records. They're after us big time."

I work under the Shiroi Kishi. The White Knights. We are purely an underground mafia organization hoping to beat competition for the greater riches. The Kuroi Kishi, the Black Knights, have the same motive.

We are not going down without a hitch. I am here to stop it.

Soraru's P.O.V.~

"Great job, Mafumafu. I honestly never knew you had the skill."

"Wow. Thank you, but Soraru-san, you usually don't praise people that much..."

I look at him, sneering, "Can't you just accept the compliment?"

He shrugged, "You know, it's not just all my work. This was years in the making, remember?"

Yes, I remember, Mafu. "Of course, now excuse me."

I left him in the Intel Quarters so he can continue to pull out more information on our enemy using his laptop. Mafumafu, the computer guy in short, isn't the brightest but he is a great help once in a while. Soon, our riches will multiply, our clients will come running back.

The Kuroi Kishi will gain all its glory once again.

"SORARU-SAN!" I heard a high pitched voice.

"What do you want?" I roll my eyes and turn around. Mafu.

He was panting as he caught up with me, "Lon is successfully in the Shiroi Kishi facility. I accessed her neurotransmitter, so now we don't have just their internal information, but also their location."

"Perfect. Show me everything, we have a hit."

Your P.O.V.~

Cell B38.

I walk into the Prison Block to meet our captive. I got to their cell and saw a familiar looking girl behind the bars.


The girl Raven Hair was with.

I shook the bars to get her diverted from her fascination with the floor. Her head jolted up. Immediately her eyes looked frightened.

"Lon, I believe? I think we have met before?" I started.

"Who are you?" She shakily asked, she started to hug her knees.

"There's no need for you to know," I smiled and continued, "I'm going to ask you a considerable amount of questions and I recommend that you comprehend with me."

The girl is a pure blonde with blue eyes, now dressed in a jumpsuit. She has a petite figure and a high pitched voice.

"I know you work for the Kuroi Kishi-"

"If you hurt me he'll hurt you," she growled.

"Pardon?" I narrow my eyes.

"He'll find you. He'll kill you. He's coming now... You lead them here. You stupid fuck." She reaches into her jumpsuit opening and pulls something out of her bra.

"Is that my ID?"

"Here, have it back." She chuckles and gives my identification card back to me.

I took it from her.

"Oh yeah, thank you for the information, {First Name} {Last Name}."

Guns | Roses --Soraru x Reader-- .:Mafia AU:.Where stories live. Discover now