-The assinment-

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Arrow was just an average high school girl at the age of 16. It was winter in Minnesota which meant there would be brutal blizzards and ice storms. But one day all of this will be a blur to her. She will never have a normal life. She may never be able to see snow ever again... after it happened.
I woke up to the sound of the tv turning on. It was my mom as always. It seems I only wake up to that tv... the tv that me and her used to watch movies on with the family. Well, that family's gone. The once happy days I used to know are gone now and I must never think of them again. After my brother died and my dad left, my mom never talks or even gives me the light of day. I've been laying in this bed for 10 minuets now wondering what today will give me. Will Emma give me a hard time at school or will she ignore me? Will James notice me for once? I don't know. I get out of bed slowly and lazily. I feel as if I've been sleeping for weeks but or even months... I wish I was. I go to the bathroom and look at my greasy blonde hair. I shrug off my clothes and turn on the water to the shower. Cold. I only like cold showers. After my shower I step into my bedroom and get dressed for the day.
" messy bun, sweatshirt, and sweatpants it is.", I take my time getting ready because my bus doesn't come in 1 hour. When I get out of the shower I go to the kitchen and I look around at all the empty wine bottles lying on the counter. The floor is sticky. Must be spilt liquor.
"You should really clean this place up... it's a dump.", I say to my mom. She doesn't respond, she just shrugs and swipes her hand which pretty much means "I'll do it later" or "eh, whatever". I roll my eyes and take some toast out of the toaster and I hand a piece to my mom.
" Will this be enough?", no reply.
I get my coat and my boots and put them on. I can see the bus on the stop before mine. The red and orange colors blinking telling people to slow down or stop.
" I'm working today so don't worry if I don't come home to make food. There is leftovers in the fridge.", I close the door and walk to my bus stop. I see my friend Ella and some other kids including the emo that just stares at his phone, listening to music. I wonder if he has friends. I look down feeling bad for him.
" Look who it is Arrow the magnificent.", Ella laughs. I shrug and watch the bus slow down as it gets closer to my bus stop.
"Are you turning into your mom or are you just teasing me?", Ella asks tugging on my backpack strands.
"Let's hope not.", the bus doors open and I get on. Off to school I go.

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