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Jared and Jensen were hanging out on set. Misha was currently filming his scenes so they were relishing in their free time. "Do you know how Annabella's doing?" Jared asked curiously while scrolling on his phone. Jensen looks up from his phone and looks over at him.

"What do you mean?" Jensen says confused. "I just wanted to know if she was okay after the party yesterday?" Jared says seriously. "I mean she's okay, but I've known Annabella for years now and the way that Genevieve ambushed her last night was so uncalled for. I didn't invite her and neither did Danneel! She's my best friend and I feel bad because I really wanted her to go to that party last night." Jensen says to him.

"You didn't know that Gen was coming. None of us did and why wouldn't she want to come?" Jared asks Jensen curiously.

"That's not my story to tell but I do think that you should go talk to her. I mean you two seemed to be having an good time before things got crazy. It's time that you moved on from Genevieve and find love again." Jensen says to him seriously.

"I don't know where she lives and I seriously doubt that she would want to talk to me again after last night." Jared says to him as he sips his water.

"I know where she lives and believe me. She won't want to see you but you can convince her otherwise. Annabella will never willing just let you back in after she's been hurt but she can change her mind and she has the best heart that I've ever seen." Jensen tells him honestly.

"Okay, I'll go see her after we're finished filming." Jared says nervously. "We both know that you've finished all of your scenes for the day. I think you should head over there, go talk to her. You never know it could be what you need and clearly you need to if you're worried about her." Jensen says to him. Then he sent the address to Jared and went to complete his scenes with Misha.

Jared had Cliff drive him to the address. "Why are we here again?" Cliff asks Jared confused. "There's something I had to make right and I really want to check up on someone. Just stay here please, I'll be out shortly." Jared says to him and then he goes and knocks on Annabella's door.


I was home watching Netflix. I heard a loud knock on the door. Groaning annoyed that I had to take my eyes off the TV for a few seconds. I got up and went over to the door. "Who is it?" I said before opening the door. I stood on my toes and looked through the peep-hole to see Jared standing there nervously. I sighed and internally debated if I should open the door or not.

Finally making up my mind. I decided to open the door. "What are you doing here?" I asked him confused. "I had to talk to you. I think you got confused at the party." He says running his hands through his hair momentarily.

"I don't think I did. I saw you and I having a good time and then your wife showed up and made me feel like a homewrecker in front of everyone there." I said to him dejected. "Can I please come in?" Jared asks after a long beat of sentence. "Sure." Then I opened the door for him. I paused the TV show I was watching and gave him my attention. "I don't know why Gen showed up at the party! Jensen told me that he didn't even invite her. I was having fun with you and believe me. You are not a homewrecker, she did that all by herself. I am so sorry that she embarrassed you like that. I would like to make it up to you." Jared says to her and walks over to her slowly.

"How are you gonna make it up to me?" I asks him confused. "Let me take you out." Jared says to her smiling. "Oh, I don't think so." Annabella says to him. "Annabella. I wanna take you out." Jared says to her seriously. "Why? After everything that happened last night. Why on earth would you want to go out with me?" Annabella asks him confused. "I was having fun with you last night. Come on just give me a chance. What have you got to lose?" Jared says looking over at her. Annabella let a beat of silence go by before answering.

"I suppose you're right. I need you to promise me something." Annabella says looking at him seriously. "Okay." "You have to promise me that what happened last night will never happen again. I won't go out with you if Genevieve is still in the picture." Annabella says serious. "I promise that she is not still in the picture." Jared says.

"I'm not even dressed." Annabella says looking down at her shorts and cropped t-shirt. "I can wait, so that you can get dressed. I don't mind." Jared says and Annabella laughs and shakes her head. Jared sat on her couch and starts watching Netflix. Annabella finds a casual yet cute outfit and walks out. "Okay, let's do this thing." I say to him smiling lightly. I locked up my house. We're Texans. Lock it or Lose It! 

Jared held the door open for me and I gently got into the backseat and he got in with me. "Where to boss?" Clif asks him curiously. "How do you feel about a movie?" Jared asks her curiously.

"I might be into that." I respond giving him a sly smile. "To the movie theaters please." Jared says to Clif who nods and begins driving to the nearest theater. I could feel Jared looking at me with a smile, I met his eyes for a second before looking away.

"I'll be back once the movie is over." Clif says to  Jared who nods his head at him. Jared got out of the car and then went over to Annabella's side and opened the door for her.

"What will you guys be seeing?" The woman asked them nicely.

"2 tickets for the conjuring 2 please?" Annabella asks her smiling calmly.

"I didn't peg you for a horror movie kind of girl." Jared says surprised. Annabella paid the woman. "Maybe you have me pegged wrong." Annabella  replied before they walked in.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2021 ⏰

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