Me and My Sister (Depression & Love)

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Doctor; Okay how many times do you have panic attacks?

Killian; Uh every so often.

Villiaine; Why?

Doctor; So we can help you. How does it feel?

Killian; Why would we need help?

Villiaine; It feels horrible.

Doctor; Okay, do you have any siblings?

Killian; Yeah two.

Doctor; What are their names?

Villiaine; Okay, this is a little creepy.

Killian; I know, but their names are Camille and Syria.

Doctor; Are they showing any signs as well?

Villiaine; Camille talks about killing herself or running away.

Killian; Syria is showing signs of depression and anxiety.

Doctor; Has Syria had any panic attacks?

Killian; No, but she's had some pretty close calls.

Doctor; Okay, when you guys said you had panic attacks often, how often do you mean?

Killian; Like one or two times a month.

Doctor; Do you take medication?

Villiaine; No

Killian; shouldn't you know all of this. If we were taking medication it would be written down somewhere.

Doctor; Do you have anyone their to help you?

Villiaine; NO!

Killian; We're either alone when it starts or people just leave us alone to deal with it ourselves.

Doctor; How old were you when you had your first panic attack?

Killian; We were both nine.

Villiaine; We're twins.

Doctor; How old are you now?

Villiaine; We're seventeen, shouldn't this had already been written down when we got here.

Killian; How is any of this supposed to help?

Doctor; So eight years?

Villiaine; Yes, now stop avoiding the question.

Doctor; So we can see how long it's been going on. Now how many times have you tried to commit suicide?

Killian; Twice in the past weeks, but in all...

Villiaine; In all we have tried four times and each time we are unsuccessful.

Doctor; So are you guys depressed and have anxiety?

Villiaine; Okay now that's a stupid question!

Killian; We wouldn't be here if we weren't.

Doctor; I'm trying to help.

Killian; You wanna help them stop asking personal question.

Doctor; Do you know what's causing your panic attacks?

Villiaine; I can summarize it up in one sentence, stress.

Doctor; Do you know what's causing that stress?

Killian; Yeah our mom.

Villiaine; Ain't that the truth?

Doctor; That's why I'm asking.

Killian; It was a rhetorical question! Use some common sense, will you?!

Villiaine; I'm done.

Killian; Me too.

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