Chapter 22

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Hello again, I have half an hour of time free so I thought I'd start writing chapter 22. This story is definitely moving too slowly but it's too late now. On with the chapter...
"And then I was like hell no that skirt is gross and she was like hell yes it's gorgeous but then I was like mini skirts are sooooo last season."

Louis literally couldn't remember a time before he had got on the plane.

With Ariana talking about complete nonsense on one side and Zayn looking like he wanted to murder him on the other, it was quite an awful experience.

The hostess walked down the middle of the plane with an incredibly fake smile on her face, offering people drinks on her way down.

When she finally came to where Louis, Ariana and Zayn were at, he was glad to just have a few seconds of someone else talking.

Clearly, this was not going to go as he was wanting it to.

"Hello guys can I get you anything?" She directed to the three of them.

"Omg YASSS can I have a latte with no foam and with chocolate shavings and a shot of caramel." Ariana asked the hostess, whom's smile continued to fall as Ariana continued adding things to her complicated beverage.

"Erm sorry darling, all we do are teas, coffees and hot chocolates for warm drinks."

Then it was Ariana's turn for her smile to fall. "Oh well I'll have a tea then with no milk and five sugars."

Louis scrunched his face up. "That's so sweet though."

Ariana turned to face him and winked. "Just like me."

Zayn mutted to himself, "yeah but if you have too much sugar then you get tooth ache. So it's like you, really."

Ariana turned to him and frowned.
"I heard that."

Once the lady had finally given her her drink and had gone to the people infront of Louis, she asked him if he would hold the sugary concoction while she got her lipstick out of her bag.

Why on earth does she need to do that on a plane?

She pulled her hand bag onto he lap and reached into it, presumably looking for her lipstick.

With out warning, she stuck her elbow out, which nudged the gross drink Louis was holding, causing it to fall out of his hand and spill all over his lap.

The scolding liquid soaked through his black jeans and burned his legs.

"Jesus Christ!" Louis cursed. "Ugh let me get up!" He demanded Ariana.

"Aww my tea has gone every where." She seemed slightly oblivious to the fact that Louis had just got it spilt all over his thighs.

"Let me get up!" He shouted,
getting very irritated.

"Okay, god." She muttered while standing up by the seats to allow him to get through.
Louis didn't have a clue what he was gonna do, currently he was in the tiny plane bath room. He wasn't entirely sure what to do.

Before he could decide to do anything, there was a knock on the door. "Oh crap some old lady wants to come in here and have a wee." He thought.

"One minute." He called through the door.

"Open the freaking door, idiot." The person replied.

Strange, that sounded a lot like Zayn. But it can't be.

Louis unlocked the door without a second thought, because if it is a stranger, chances are he'll never see them ever again, so it doesn't really matter what their impression of him is.

After fully opening the door, Louis realised that it was in fact Zayn. The same person that pulled Louis up by the collar the previous week.

"Erm hi." Louis pulled a fake smile and waved awkwardly.

Zayn rolled his eyes. "I have some tracksuit bottoms in my rucksack, I thought you may find them useful. Here." Zayn shoved the folded up bottoms into Louis hands.

"Oh thanks." Louis was flat-out confused.

Zayn shrugged. "Don't leave me with Ariana for too long." He said before walking back to his seat.

Louis hesitantly changed into Zayn's spare trousers. Who knows? Zayn may have put itching powder in them or something.

It turns out Zayn actually didn't do anything to them. It was still rather odd that he came to help Louis, perhaps this could be a new turn in their relationship? Who knows?

"So like, I wasn't sure if the matte bronze or the shimmery bronze was better so I was like I'm gonna get both because I'm rich. Haha isn't that funny?" Ariana rambled on to Zayn.

Louis seemed to come back in the middle of a very interesting conversation.

"Can I sit back down please?"

Ariana got up and allowed Louis to sit down.

And thus the boring and confusing plane journey continued.
Hello there, I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Why do you think that Zayn was being nice all of a sudden?

Do you think him and Louis are going to turn a new leaf?

Or does Zayn have different reasons for being nice?

As always, please vote and comment what you thought about this chapter. Thank you!!

I will update The Art Of Sarcasm next and then this again.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2017 ⏰

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