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*Papyrus stood infront of error with a sharp bone it hand*

You not going to hurt anyone from my au or any other au.....every again

Error: AnD hOw ArE yOu GoInG tO sToP mE?!

Like this...

*papyrus throws bones at Error till he's tired*

Error: heh...h-h-heh... *looking tired* pr-pretty good....

You done Error

*Papyrus impales error with a bone*

Error: not in the slightest... BuT yOu ArE!!!

*Error laughs and shoots Papyrus in the back with a gaster blaster*


*Papyrus collapses to the ground and coughs up blood*

Error: heheheh told ya!

*Error Teleports away*

*papyrus lays on the ground coughing up blood*

well.....i tried my best.....

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