When You meat

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*this has happened WAY before werdmegenid when he just got to Gravity Falls*

*Your POV*
You were just getting home from the store then you hear a scream it sounded like a little girl...... you walk over to the noises and see two people and they looked like the same age as you *you were the same age as thum* and went to check it out then you see thum being attacked by a weird looking thing you grab the twig and start hitting the thing with it and it was a gnome? And you help them up "are you Ok?" You say as you help them up the girl said "ya thanks. Oh hi my name is Mabel" "hi I am Y/n. What's his?" You say as you pint to the boy "Oh that's Dipper. Copper say hi!" He said " Oh ummm hi and thank you for saving us." He said with a warm smile "O-Oh it w-was nothing." You say blushing a little. Dipper said "do you know were the mystery Shack is?" You said " Oh ya I know I live near there. Come on." A few minutes later Mabel said "oh Y/n?" You said " ya?" Mabel said " do you want to be my friend?" You said " ok  sure I can also show you around the town if you like you can take your brother with you too errrr is he your brother?" Mabel said " Oh ya he is my twin brother." You say " Oh! That cool I wish I had a sibling." Mabel gasped and said " YOU DONT HAVE A SIBLING!?!?" * when when you reach the Mystery Shack* you say " I got to go see you later?" Mabel says " Ok bye!!!!!."

Sorry for the short chapter I will post another one soon but I can't right now since I'm sick I will try to write another one as soon as I can and it's also near my birthday

Sooooo..... PEACE!✌

Dipper X Reader werdmegenid (sorry if spelled wrong👅😜)Where stories live. Discover now