another AN

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Sorry guys I am discontinuing this book, sorry if you wanted to read this, I am just so busy with school work and I have lost interest in this book. I hope you guys understand. Also I am now into transformers and I might do a story on that. Or if you want me to do a Dragon Ball Z or just Dragon ball,  just comment which one I should do first. Also sorry for any spelling errors. I have some medical issues. One being my speech disorder. And another being me being sent to the emergency room for me almost dying every year. So sorry for every this.
Well this is the last goodbye for this book
And goodluck with anything and everything you do
This is also the last time doing this outro. So I will be coming up with one sooner rather than later in one of my other books.)

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2019 ⏰

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Dipper X Reader werdmegenid (sorry if spelled wrong👅😜)Where stories live. Discover now