Chapter 8

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The next time footsteps approached Kaneki, he knew Jason was back. Kaneki forced himself to stay limp and keep his head facing down. Every muscle in his body told him to break free from his chains. He'd survived off blood for four years. That was barely enough nourishment to keep him alive, much less give him the strength to escape.

Jason locked the door behind him to keep anyone from interrupting and Kaneki heard the soft sound of fabric, alerting him that Jason had slit the key into his pocket. The slow steps that propelled Jason towards Kaneki seemed to be taunting him.

Kaneki heard the quiet clink of the syringe being lifted off the table. The liquid inside was the result of Jason's complaints that his kagune knife wasn't enough. Jason wanted to find a way to use all of his usual tools on Kaneki. Thus, the injection was invented. RC repressant, the scientist who brought it called it.

Jason turned from the table to Kaneki. In an instant, Kaneki burst into action. He tore through his chains and unleashed his kagune without standing up . Four pulsing, red tendrils shot towards Jason, simultaneously piercing through his stomach. Crimson blood dribbled from the side of his mouth, dripping onto the checkered floor. Surprise was written across Jason's face as Kaneki threw him against the wall, then pinned him down with his kagune. Kaneki wasn't willing to give Jason a chance to react.

As Jason struggled to stand under the weight of Kaneki's kagune, Kaneki pushed himself up from his chair, only to collapse. Four years spent sitting down, barely moving had taken its toll and Kaneki's body was frail and weak. He could barely move.

Letting out a slow, shaky breath, Kaneki pushed himself into a sitting position. He decided not to move his body while he fought Jason with his kagune. Kaneki looked back up to where Jason was pinned down. Using one tentacle to hold his tormentor in place, he used the other three the stab him, over and over again.

Kaneki struggled to remain focused as he felt cruel excitement coursing through him. Kill him. Kill him!

Kaneki screamed, holding his head between his hands as the voices in his head grew louder. His kagune disintegrated and Jason roared angrily.

"You little brat! I'll kill you!"

Jason stood, staggering as blood dripped from the multitude of stab wounds in his torso. He moved towards the shaking Kaneki, stumbling with each step.

"I... refuse to be killed by a twelve year old." Jason ground out. He looked down at his chest. "It's... not healing..."

The vampire stopped before Kaneki's immobile body, swaying slightly. He lifted his hand to his own neck and slashed his nails across the skin. Blood splurted from his neck and Jason collapsed. In the end, Jason was never killed by Kaneki. He chose to take his own life rather than be killed by a child.

Kaneki lifted his head from his hands. His left eye pulsed and red veins spread out from it. The sclera slowly shifted to black like ink spreading from water and his iris turned blazing red.

As if in a trance, Kaneki turned to Jason.

'Yes...' The voice in his head whispered. 'To live is to devour others, is that not what he always told you? If you wish to save your family, you need power. Devour him. Live.'

Kaneki's teeth pierced the skin of the immobile vampire and thick, warm blood filled his mouth and dripped down his chin.


When Kaneki came to, Jason's body was reduced to a bloodied pile of bones and mangled flesh.

Kaneki licked his lips and found the fresh taste of vampire blood on them. Wiping the remnants from his chin, Kaneki released his kagune and used it to help him walk away from the scene.

'I need to find my family. Sacrifices must be made along the way. I need to accept that.'

Kaneki reached the door and pulled at the handle, only to find it locked. Lacking the energy to turn back and dig through Jason's corpse for the key, Kaneki broke through the door. He stepped through the wreckage, putting his weight on his kagune as he staggered to find his family.

'I smell them! That's Hide's scent, that's Mika's and Yu's and that's Akane's...'

Kaneki froze. Akane's scent had been replaced with the tempting scent of blood. 'No... what's going on? Ferid promised our safety!'

Kaneki began moving again, straining to pick up the pace with his frail body. 'I need to hurry.'


"Yu! Give me the gun!" Mika ordered, holding a hand out. "I'll hold him off. You and Hide escape!"
Yu shook his head. "No way you blockhead! You'll get yourself killed!"

"Yu's right!" Hide shouted. "We need to find a way for us all to escape!"

Mika shook his head, smiling slightly. "I'm not letting you guys get hurt." He turned to Yu. "Don't forget; we're family."

With that, Mika snatched the gun from Yu's hands and ran at Ferid.

"Mika~ Your blood was quite delicious. I'm going to miss your visits to my mansion." Ferid smiled. He reached for Mika, who dodged. Without missing a beat, Ferid swiveled and pierced Mika's chest with his hand.

Coughing up blood, Mika pointed the gun at Ferid's head. Ferid quickly sliced through Mika's arm, cutting it clean off. Both limb and gun went flying.

At that moment, a thin boy with snow white hair stumbled into the light. He wore a torn. bloodstained livestock uniform and pulsing red tendrils extended from his back, supporting him.

The boy looked up with two wide, icy gray eyes. "No... why...?" He whispered.

Hide gasped. "Kaneki?"

The boy briefly turned to meet his gaze before looking back to Ferid. "You... you promised they'd be safe! You said you'd let us escape!"

Ferid only chuckled. "It seems you did your job well, little Kaneki. Now, it appears that your usefulness has expired." The vampire allowed Mika's body to slide off his hand, and the blonde boy collapsed, facing away from Kaneki as a pool of blood formed around him.

"Mika..." Kaneki whispered in horror. He fell to his knees, the red tendrils disintegrating behind him. In a flash, Ferid appeared in front of Kaneki and pulled a crude, red knife from his waistband. Kaneki recognized it. Those were the weapons made from his kagune. He was going to die.

Kaneki closed his eyes, bracing himself. A second later, the scent of blood filled the air. But strangely, Kaneki felt no pain. He opened his eyes to see Hide standing in front of him, arms wide. Blood dripped to the ground.

Kaneki felt his chest go cold, and he could feel his heartbeat pounding in his ears.

"Hide... why? Why did you have to save me? What have I been fighting for this entire time?!" Kaneki sobbed.

Hide gave Kaneki a pained smile. "Kaneki, I don't know where you've been, or what you've gone through during all these years. But we're family. I'll always protect you. Only now, I don't think I can do that anymore. So promise me, Kaneki. Promise that you'll live. Don't you dare give up like you did just now."

Hot tears ran down Kaneki's cheeks as he whispered, "I promise, Hide."

"How incredibly touching. Unfortunately, I'm afraid that the whole 'living' part of you promise will be quite difficult. After all-"

The click of a trigger being pulled echoed through the chamber. Before anyone could move, the ear-piercing sound of a gunshot followed. Ferid collapsed, dropping Hide.

"Die, vampire." Yu whispered, ears rolling down his cheeks. He watched as Kaneki began desperately shaking Hide's body, getting no response. Choking on sobs, the boy looked up from Hide and stood up, stumbling towards Mika.

"They can't be dead, This has to be a dream. I'm dreaming."

Kaneki stumbled, falling onto the cold, marble floor. His body finally gave out and he sank into unconsciousness.

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