unrequited stenborough

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bill stormed up the wooden steps and knocked on the rattling screen door. after minutes of no answer, he walked in, anger shaking through his bones.

"stanley!" he called out, searching the downstairs. he rushed up the stairs and went to the brown door at the end of the hall.

he knocked softly on the door, and heard nothing as an answer. "stan, please..." he pleaded. no answer.

he creaked the door open, his eyes meeting the back of stanley's head. he was sitting on the edge of his bed, staring out the large paneled windows in front of him.

"stanley, this isn't fair." bill said, walking toward the door. "you need to talk to me."

stan stood up, tears already rushing down his face. "isn't fair?" he whispered, stepping closer to bill. "isn't fair?" he repeated, louder. "you never talk to me, bill! not after eddie, not even after richie fucking killed himself!" he yelled, sending a poison dart straight into bill's chest.

"i have always been here with open arms, but you've never wanted me! i've wanted you for years, bill, please, you're all i've ever wanted!"

bill stepped back. "stanley, i'm.... i'm sorry-"

"l-look me in the eyes, and say you've never felt it, bill!" stanley said between sobs, red hot tears rushing down his flushed cheeks. "tell me there's nothing here!"

bill straightened, uncomfortable and hurt. but suddenly, he relaxed.

he took a step back. "there's nothing here."

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