Chapter Four:

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Hey my honeys, I' so sorry that haven't updated in such a long time. I started writing this chapter right after the last but then I went to college and got swept away by everything. But hey I have two A's and a C the C in math so you know thanks, Satan. Anyways I'm so sorry for not updating you at all. It won't happen again. I hope you enjoy this chapter I love you, babies.



I was back up in my office reading and signing documents. Most people assumed being an Alpha was sitting back letting everyone else so the work while someone like me just sat there being intimidating. There wrong I do so much paperwork and financial things I swear my eyes would start bleeding. Not that I could complain just one of those things I did for my pack.

Our pack didn't have the usual structure everyone treated one another as if they were brothers and sisters. Equals. That is unless you were up at the top. Then you were shit out of luck. I heard a knock at the door I call them in not looking up from my work thinking it was Kane who never knocked. "Twice in one day, wow I guess you can learn manners," I said cross-checking one document on hunters with another.

Jade walked in instead. "Oh sweetie, I know you sure as hell are not working right now." Said taking the files from my hands and setting them aside. "You just found your mate and your looking at reports on hunters who won't even go near us."

"Jade..." I trailed off with a sigh at her antics, "pack secur-"

"Ryn, honey, you just found your mate today not only that he's hot. Not like just hot but like inferno hot. Why aren't you jumping on that?" Jade waved her hands as if to check if I was blind or not.

"What? I mean.." She caught me off guard which wasn't what I was used to. "Erm, I don't know I'm still my own person."

"Well yes, sweetie but you can be you with it still being steamy" If she hadn't found her a boy toy herself I'd be more possessive of Daemon making comments like that.

"Yes, but I don't know it's confusing. Obviously, he's very important to me, Jade. My wolf is head over heels for him and all, but I just met him. Realistically I have no idea who he is besides some Beta of a young pack. I don't even know his favorite color. I have all of these feelings for him that I know wouldn't be there if he wasn't my mate. If he wasn't my mate the extent of my feelings for him would likely be, 'He's hot why is he following me, but I have shit to do so whatever.'" I said putting the last portion in air quotes. I realized after saying all that it probably came out as a mini rant.

"Wow, that's a quite a bit of emotion for you. He at least has you feeling something." Jade mused.

I simply glared at her and reclaimed my files in silence.

Jade sat up as if she had just come to a horrible realization. "Wait you're not thinking of rejecting him are you?" Her grey eyes gouging into me.

"What?" I was once again taken aback, "No of course not if I did that I'm 99 percent sure my wolf would leave me."

"You're damn straight I would leave you so don't even think about it." My wolf's voice echoed throughout my mind.

"Pardon now I'm 100 percent sure." I sighed rolling my eyes. Not like it was even my own thought.

"Good, because we did not need that crisis." Jade breathed. "No one needs a perpetually single Alpha."

"You better be glad that I like otherwise I'd probably beat your shit, dear," I said with a smile. Though she was better than Kane and at least called me Alpha when we were around other wolves.

"Like? I'm offended, sweetie. Clearly, you love me, who else would you come to about understanding your emotions?" She was right if I ever did have to have to bounce that sort of thing off of someone she was the one.

"Well fine," I sighed then continued "I suppose since you won't let me do my work I'll go and take a shower." I locked my desktop then standing to usher Jade out of my office.

"Oh, would you like me to get Daemon for that."Jade got up walking out the door with a wink.

"Of course not." I sighed closing the door behind us then walking to my room. Was I giving Daemon a fair chance though? Just opening up to a complete stranger wasn't an easy task. It was logically clear something would have to change. I walked into my rather large room which was sleek and modern yet still very cozy. Wooden floors of course seeing as carpet could get disgusting over the years. A California King bed centered on the far wall and a huge bullet proof window for safety reasons. Their Pack House was essentially a fort that looked like a large modern cabin. I walked into the attached master bathroom grabbed my towel set it aside getting undressed and hopping in the shower letting the steaming water pour over me.



I opened the door of my bathroom wrapping the towel around myself.

"Hello there, gorgeous." I hear a smooth familiar voice that sent a shiver down my spine call from my bed.

I raked my still damp hair from my face, "Glad to see you've made yourself at home" I replied slightly detached.

Daemon got up walking to me and slipping his hands around my waist pulling me against him. I looked at him with an arched eyebrow chin tilted up to adapt to our new close proximity. "My luck I'd get a mate who has such a reputation of being cold."

"That's me," I said in the most monotone voice I could muster. The tone was a joke but the words themselves were true. It was practically my identity.

"Won't you warm up to me?" He asked still peering deep into my eyes as if searching for something.

I pulled up my slipping towel. "I need to get clothes on, Daemon," I spoke releasing myself from his embrace. He simply sat back down on the bed saying nothing. "What are you going to stay for the show or something?"

"I'll take that as an invitation," Daemon smirked a devious smirk. The kind that made a girl's heart flutter. "Besides I'm not leaving until I'm convinced that you've fallen madly in love with me."

"Then you'll be here a long while. I hope your pack doesn't need you." I said grabbing my pajamas and underwear out of my dresser to get changed in the bathroom. You couldn't say I didn't get lucky on the looks front but he was very persistent. I got into some sweats and a black fitted camisole then blow dried my ebony hair on cool.

I walked back into my room "You're still here." I sighed.

"I said I would be, love." He, of course, relaxed on the side of the bed I slept on. We would have problems if he didn't move the hell over.

"I didn't think you literally meant my room," I said slightly exasperated.

"Well, I didn't exactly mean your room," Daemon said simply. "I meant wherever you go I go." He stated matter of factly with that wink again, "Yes, that means I'm sleeping with you tonight."

"I think you have it mixed up who the Alpha is here, dearest." I mean it was kinda hot that he was trying to be dominated, but none the less. "At the absolute most you're sleeping on the futon."

"Fine. Can I at least watch tv with you on the bed?" Daemon asked inquisitively.

"Only if you move your ass to the other side of the bed." Fine ass specifically I thought to myself. He shifted over utop the covers and I snuggled under the coverers in my spot. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him smile a genuine smile. He had a sweet smile which made happily and smiled internally to myself. "Blankets are in the closet on the third shelf," I said pointing the direction searching for something good on Netflix.

My head was resting on the side of his chest as I started falling in and out of consciousness. I stirred from sleep as he turned off the TV and kissed me on the forehead making his way to the couch.



Hey, honeys! I hope you liked this chapter I ended up rewriting 90% of it, buuuut it's fine. It'd mean the world if you guys could vote and comment. Maybe even share? Definitely incentive to write more!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2017 ⏰

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