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*Natalia's POV*
We had different styles of photography, Max and I. My style was dark, and it all looked mysterious, and most of the pictures I'd taken were in places where the light barely reached. Max's style had a lot of light, like sunsets, and a different take on the colours of things, like nothing was only one colour.

She'd make things look like a splash of different colours, that was one of her abilities, to frame the world the way she wanted to see it. She'd find beauty in practically everything, and she'd make sure that people could see that beauty within her photography. Nothing was ever monotone, all different feels and colour contrasts. She'd always ask Isabelle and I to model, and it was fun. Isabelle was meant for modelling as it turned out, but I wasn't too surprised.

Isabelle's pale skin was perfectly contrasted by her ink black hair, which framed her thin face, like a curtain. Her choice lipstick was always a dark shade of crimson, or cherry red, which was the main splash of colour against her skin, and when she blushed, all the colour rushed to her cheeks, brushing the tops of her cheekbones first, then spreading down into her pulled-in cheeks. Her skin had dark runes drawn all over, all different designs. She was built so gorgeous, yet she was fierce. She proved that you could be pretty and still be smart and a fighter. She'd been underestimated by only a few Shadowhunter women, because of the way she dressed, but she'd proved them wrong by showing them that she could still fight amazingly in 7 inch heels and a well-fitted red dress. She had intense black eyes, which were the same colour as her hair, and her eyes showed her emotion, her anger, her sadness and most importantly, her happiness. Her eyes shone when she smiled, and they would dilate when she spoke about her family and friends. I could see why Simon loved her, because she wasn't fake, she wouldn't try to act like something she wasn't. If she wasn't happy with something, she'd let you know, and she would get her way with things. She had problems with her temper sometimes, but she had control over it, she knew when to stop talking about a certain topic and definitely knew her limits.

Max and I photographed her in a few graveyards, because it seemed to work well with her looks. She had an aura around her, dark, sultry and amused. We had one picture of her which we all liked.
We had taken a certain picture of her at St. Andrews Cathedral Graveyard while we were in Scotland, which was gorgeous. I remember that day so clearly. We'd woken up before the crack of dawn, and we'd gotten ready.
We, Max and I mainly, wanted to get some good photographs. At first, Isabelle was reluctant to go, but then when we told her the location, she perked up and got prepared with her Shadowhunter gear because one of her warlock friends was in the area. Of course, being Isabelle, she dressed to the nines.

She wore a pair of ripped black jeans, a black, netted top and her favourite black boots, which of course, had heels. She'd worn her black leather jacket on top of it, and had worn her Ruby pendant, and had her signature crimson lipstick on.
Max and I were well dressed, but nothing compared to Isabelle. Max wore her blue jeans, along with black Converse, a pastel pink t-shirt along with a black hoodie, and carried along her camera in her messenger bag, her short hair was ruffled, but cute in a way. I'd worn my black jeans, combat boots, a white full sleeved top, along with my green bomber jacket and left my hair open. I carried along a black backpack, in which I'd kept my camera along with different lenses. The sun wasn't rising yet, and the air was cold. We reached the cemetery in a while, and there was an aura around it. Somewhat mysterious, but at the same time, the beauty was captivating.
There were hundreds of headstones, and a rather impressive arch-like structure. A lot of the headstones were light grey in colour, and a few stood out, being white marble or smooth black. Each of them had something different about them. The white ones looked cracked slightly, but gorgeous with the green moss and creepers growing on them. The black ones were smooth marble, and the sunlight reflected off of them, the flowers on the graves contrasted the black. All of them were elegantly built. The fog was at our feet, and the air seemed cooler. There weren't many trees at all, but there was one very impressive tower beside the arch-like structure.

We'd been looking at the graves, looking at the names, and taking pictures of some. That's when we got an amazing shot of Isabelle.
She'd been looking up, and her black hair cascaded over her back, and her obsidian eyes caught the pale sunlight, and her eyelashes seemed to glisten too. Max had taken a picture the same time I did, and hers showed some colour. The colour visible in hers was the glisten of Isabelle's leather jacket. Max had taken a picture of me too that day, but not during the early hours of the day.

*Max's POV*
It was honestly an amazing idea to come to Scotland with these two girls. The cemetery was gorgeous, and I'm glad Natalia made us come here.

The picture of Isabelle was very pretty, and it captured her amazingly, showing off the fact that she was actually light, no matter how dark her hair or eyes were. The sun rose, filling the sky with all sorts of colours, like oranges, and reds and hues of pink. When the sunlight had grown brighter, I'd taken a picture of Natalia.

Of course we both noticed a lot about Isabelle, but that didn't mean that I didn't notice things about Natalia. She didn't look like Isabelle, but she was still just as beautiful.

Natalia had quite light coloured features. Her skin was like porcelain, but it was slightly tanned, but it was an even tan. She had long and slender legs, which still had a good amount of muscle from her sports. Her hair was one of her most beautiful features, being a dark combination of colours, a mix of brown, orange and red, just like the leaves which fell off trees during Autumn. Her hair was curly, the curls reaching slightly below her shoulders, and brushing against her back. Her hair caught the sunlight perfectly, making it look like flames licking against her pale skin, which had a light spray of freckles, which looked like constellations running in the galaxy, which was her skin. Her cheekbones would have a glow on them, and her eyelashes would form designs on them. Her green eyes were hooded by her dark and long lashes. Her eyes weren't simply green, they had different colours swirled in them. Light swirls of brown, some ochre and flecks of black. She was quite lean, and that with her height was a perfect combination. Her eyes would always have a glint in them, sometimes it was one of mischief, and sometimes it was simply because of her smiling. She wasn't a person to fake smile much, only did she have to prove a point sarcastically was when she would fake smile. She had a gorgeous smile, slightly lopsided, tilting slightly more upward on the left side, and then she had an even wider smile, which showed her white teeth, and her sharp canines. Whenever she was concentrating on her photography, she would bite her lower lip, and she would hold her position like an archer, waiting for the perfect shot, and when she got the perfect timing, she got a perfect shot, like a bullseye.

We all were unique in so many ways. In our appearances, our creativity, our personalities, but we all had a certain thing in common, which was our abilities to frame the world the way we want to see it. Natalia framed her world as dark, but with the pale light, and shadows, mysterious and pretty. I framed my world as beautiful and filled with colours, showcasing the fact that the world did have colour, even if it seemed monotone sometimes. Isabelle framed her world as dark, but in a much different manner as compared to Natalia's darkness, something more sinister sometimes, but mainly shadows. To her, her family was the light in the darkness, and to us, she was the light.

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