Friendships and Mudbloods

41 5 17

Wow, a quick update for me! This one is dedicated to Dawnbreak55 who is now proofreading all my chapters. It's also dedicated to J.K.Rowling for bringing Harry Potter to life or I wouldn't actually be writing this.
Word Count: 1136

The next few days, I was shook.

Harry came up to me and apologised, "Look, Hermione explained your situation, and it isn't your fault you were born into the Malfoys. Apologies, Bella. Maybe we could hang out sometime?"

Harry and I are alright now.

For Ron, well, it took a bit longer.



"She's a lovely person-"

"She's a Malfoy-"


"Bloody hell-"




"I'm sorry you're a Malfoy!"


Yeah... it took a bit longer. But he realised eventually he was wrong. Or that he shouldn't mess with an angry Hermione.-

Lockhart obviously never finished the spell, and he hasn't told anyone yet. Smart bloke. He'd be in Azkaban.

I don't know why I haven't told anyone yet. It'd probably be a good thing if I did. I guess I was afraid. I didn't want to be, but I was.

I just kept shaking. Hermione took me to the hospital wing, and Madam Pomfrey said it was just an aftershock. Hermione asked what, but the Madam just said of previous experiences catching up to me.

Something just irks me about Poppy Pomfrey. It's as if she knows everything.

She knew that I was attacked by Lockhart with the Avada. She just did.

I think Dumbledore did too. That didn't make me very happy.

I hung out with Violet and Grace for those few days. Hermione was there a lot too.

Grace is a little overbearing, but overall she's nice. We're all becoming good friends.

It's a lot easier since we're in the same house, dormitory, and classes.

It just happened to be that they wanted to watch the 'Hottie Harry' do Quidditch practice, that everything eventually turned out alright.

They were gushing over how amazing he was when Hermione and Ron turned up. We nodded at each other in acknowledgment.

Suddenly the players stopped in mid-air. They were talking when I noticed the Slytherins had turned up. Wood said something angrily, and all Gryffindors went down to 'politely' greet them.

People in the stands rushed down too.

I arrived with Violet and Grace in time to see the Slytherins part for Draco.


"Aren't you Lucius Malfoy's son?" said one of the Weasley twins.

"Funny you should mention Draco's father..."

I already knew what Flint was going to say, because I witnessed Lucius buy them all the newest broomsticks

Draco was smirking so broadly his cold eyes were reduced to slits.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2018 ⏰

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