The Bridge

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The bridge I am on goes North and South for miles.
Fog covers both ends.
I'm not sure where the bridge stops.

The bridge I am on goes below and above for miles.
Fog covers the high and the low.
I'm not sure where they end.

I walk north alongside the rail. Looking for ground. Looking for sky. Looking for something.
I see fog.
I walk north alongside the rail. Looking for an end. Looking for people. Looking for something.
I see a person.

He stands near the edge. Overlooking. I call out to him "Do you know where we are, sir?"
He looks over to me and covers his mouth.
I am confused.
He then points to his heart and shakes his head. Then stands on the rails.
I call out to him once again. "Sir, are you ok?"
He looks back at me. Once again, he covers his mouth. Points to his heart. Shakes his head.
Then he jumps.

I run to the edge. I see his seemingly lifeless body tumble into the fog below. A man reduced to a corpse in a matter of seconds.
I never knew him.

I walk further north and see a woman. Overlooking the edge with the same blank gaze as the last man.
I run to her. Hoping to prevent a similar outcome.
She turns to me. Gently raises a finger to her lips.
My run turns into a slow stroll against my will. Then I stop.
She hurls herself of the edge without warning. I reach out and scream with no sound.
More blood on my hands.

I continue my walk northward. Looking for people. Finding people. Attempting to save people. Failing.
It goes on for what feels like years.

I attempt to save myself from joining them. For this long I've succeeded.

None of them speak to me. All of them seem to want to. But they are unable.
All different ages, genders, appearances.
Some children. Some senior citizens. Some teenagers. All beautiful.
They all do something with their hands and their eyes before they leave. Maybe symbolizing their pain.

I think of what my hand motion would be before I jumped. I picture myself reaching out to whoever walks up as an attempt to save them before I fall.

I am standing on the rails.
"Are you ok?"
I turn to see a child speaking to me. Looking nervous.
I overlook the edge. I reach out to him.
"It's his turn now" I think.
I jump.

Poetry Collection (Alex + Pip)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz