My life at home

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Paris POV

So today was another day where I had to stay silent before me and Lowla startes to aruge again, so to stop that from happening I stayed texting Kenai aka my brother bear.

-'' So what r u doing right now beautiful?"

-'' Nothing much just texting u [ BB]''

-'' okay serious how bout I come over.''

Before I could text back someone took my phone and when I seen who it was i was very pissed. It was Lowla I just wanted to slap her so bad.

''Who u texting since this is all you do now and days. Who is this Kenai. what is he talking about can he come over, even if he did come over what were you two gonna do anyways?.''

''Give me back my phone now!! Mom can you get her.''

'' Your mom don't even call my mom your mom ever again do hear me your just alittle dumb bitch who we put in are family because of my dad not yours.''

''Why do you hate ? what did do to you ? You just hate me I try to like you but your the only one that hates me. I use to look up to you as my big sister and now all I see is the girl in the street giving away her body. Why I feel alone and hurt and that you wish I was never born and if that's what you want I'm sorry. But I know how to solve it and when I leave don't come trynna to find me you stupdi donkey face cow chewing dick sucking slut.''

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2015 ⏰

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