Chapter Ten

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Love, girl. Love.

A long time later, I'm still thinking about those three words. Love? Is that what this is? Really? Am I.... In love with the Warden? I paced in his room, wishing he were here. With a groan, I flopped down on the bed, rolling myself up in the covers. It was starting to get colder... Maybe taking the skirt hadn't been the best idea...

I heard the door open and then I heard his voice. "(Y/N)?"

My heart did that stutter thing and my breath caught. "Warden?" I poked my head out of my blanket burrito. I looked at him, standing in the doorway. It wasn't like some romance novel scene. There was no sun backlighting to make him glow, no amazing feat done to make him seem strong, no dramatic confession to me to make me 'realize the truth of my heart'.

"Warden." I said. "I think I'm in love with you."

He beamed. I felt proud to have made him happy. He kicked the door shut and locked it behind him, trotting to the bed and leaning down to kiss me. "(Y/N)." He gently tugged the blankets out from around me. "I think I'm in love with you too."

He wrapped his arms around me, gently laid me down right on the bed, and crawled on top of me, straddling my waist. He took off his glasses and hat and set them on the nightstand. I reached up, in slight awe. He let me lay my hand on his cheek, nuzzling his face against my palm.

He's beautiful, I thought. The Warden is absolutely beautiful.

Then he took off his gloves. My awe increased. Looking more nervous then I'd ever seen him, the Warden set his gloves down next to his glasses and shrugged off his suit coat, tossing it to the floor. I honestly have no idea what he's doing, but I'm loving it. He pulled his bowtie loose and started to unbutton his shirt with me watching beneath him, utterly captivated. His shirt and bowtie joined the coat on the floor.

I couldn't help it. I reached up and laid my hands on his sides, rubbing my hands along his pale skin, gently brushing across his chest. His cheeks were tinted pink. He leaned down and kissed me again, gently pushing his tongue past my lips. I hummed and wrapped my arms around his neck, responding to his kiss. I felt his hand brush up my leg and push my skirt up. He pressed his hips against mine and something in me recognized what he wanted and responded accordingly.

"Oh," I breathed.

"Only if you want." He whispered, still so close I could feel his lips move against mine. "Just tell me to stop and I will."

I didn't answer so he kissed me again. The bed shifted and when two thuds sounded I knew he'd kicked off his shoes. "Just tell me to stop," he said once more, kissing my neck, gently running a hand up and down my thigh.

Do I want this right now? I don't know, I just don't, I can't think with him this close. But oh my gosh, does it feel good... I relaxed, hesitantly wrapping my arms around him. He purred- actually purred- and pushed one hand up the back of my shirt, tugging at my bra, moving to kiss me again.

And then I felt a flashback start. "Stop." I whimpered, pushing him away. I can feel it coming, the crushing tide of memories, and the pain. Make it stop make it stop make it stop. I didn't realize I'd curled into a ball until I felt the Warden shake me gently.

"(Y/N)? What's wrong? What did I do?"

"Not... You..." I managed to get out. "Not your fault..." And then it started.

- Fifteen Years Ago -
I heard a bump downstairs and sat up in my bed, blinking. Who's downstairs? I think. It's too late to be up.

I pull the covers back and crawl to the edge of my bed, turning around and carefully lowering myself legs first. I touch the ground and let go of the bed, standing proudly on my short legs. I am already eight years old, but I still haven't hit my growth spurt yet. I'm sure it'll happen soon. Daddy said it would and Daddy is always right.

I Like Your Insanity                (The Warden x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now