chapter 1

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       Lucas, you better get up before I come there said my mom. Oooh mom ,am getting up .
Hi am Lucas most clumsy person on earth ,am a nerd and am shy.
    As I was going to take my bath I carefully watched my step so as not to fall ,slowly,slowly wow I came out of the bathroom feeling like a star cause I did not slip .
   I wore a knicker and a blue polo with my sneakers ,ready to zoom off.
Geeez,I had fallen ,I knew it is going to happen .I step on a banana peel ,I should have been careful.I entered my car and zoom off to western high school .
   Immediately, I got down ,I became very shy ,couldn't bring myself to talk to any one apart from my friend Ashton .
Ashton is my best friend ,we became friends since 3 grade ,Unlike me ,  He is free with everyone.
        Hi Lucas ,Have you done the English project , maybe you could give me ,says Ashton. Bringing it out from my bag and gave him.
    Awwwn ,that is why you are my best friend . I think you only made me your friend cause of ur needs ,I said to him.
Yes , he said .Ooooh , am hurt ,i officially unfriend you...
Noooo ,dont do this to me ..he said and I smirked at him

Hi ,This actually my first book
Pls pardon my grammatical errors
Thank u 😘😘😘

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