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Liafavail, the capital city of the kingdom under the rule of King Tenent Artra, was the center of the civilized world. This city attracted the rich and powerful from every corner of the world to come and enjoy all the delicacies Liafavail had to offer and was home to the illustrious palace which boasted some of the most elegant and unforgettable parties imaginable.

Arin, a young boy and current resident of Liafavail, woke up to the glint of the sun shining through his window. He yawned, showing his dog like fangs, and stretched.  Grudgingly, he pulled himself out of bed. The youth trudged down the old wooden steps of his grandma's, well more accurately, his friend's home. Grandma being the name which everyone called the elderly kind women who let anyone who needed help take lodging in her home. She treated all like family, as long as they behaved.

Breakfast was waiting for Arin as he stepped into the kitchen. "Guess Gran went to the market already," Arin thought to himself as he sat down and scratched his messy mop of dark blond hair. He finished his eggs and cheese quickly before yanking on a shirt. He then trotted out the front door towards the main square to pass the day.

Meanwhile, Lady Lilla was preparing for her day. A luxurious breakfast of cold meats, cheese, and bread was brought to her rooms by a servant who then assisted her in dressing her for the day. The young woman could and often would dress herself but enjoyed a little assistance with more intricate ensembles.

As Arin made his way down the road, he was greeted with the usual spits from passerby's and the occasional name said under breath. As he passed by, he heard slurs such as "Bitch-son" and "Mutt." "Freak" and "Half-breed" were common as well.

Lilla continued to prepare for her day, pampering her skin with luxurious oils and creams. She had a big night planned and wished to look her finest.

As Arin broke through the throng of people, he entered a large square filled with merchants, bars, musicians and many other merriments. Amidst all the commotion, the royal herald stood just as he did every day to inform the townspeople of all notable events. Every now and then, he'd stop to clear his throat or glance at his handful of parchment listing what he'd already memorized.

"Give ear to my words! Tomorrow the..." Arin made his way to the vegetable cart to take some food back to Gran. Arin always used this particular time to "make his rounds" and go unnoticed for the most part.  The herald was nearly finished just as Arin was about to leave square when one announcement caught his attention. "Tonight at dusk, Her Royal Majesty, the Princess Lilla will be hosting a erotica ball. No entry without the proper notices!" With that said, the herald stepped down and went on his way, no doubt to another square to repeat the exact same words he had just announced for a quarter of an hour.

Lady Lilla broke into a devilish grin as she heard the royal herald leave the palace. Her ball was sure to be a success, especially since so many young ladies and gentlemen had confided their darkest desires to her in secret. For the day, she wore a lovely pale blue gown. Simple and elegant, she would look startlingly different come nightfall.

Arin had heard about these strange dark parties from local prostitutes who didn't spit at him when he passed. They told him about the dirty "activities" done out in the open. At first, it took Arin by surprise. That made the women laugh.

The younger generation were not the only ones who attended the Princess's parties. Older individuals attended as well, providing outlets for more varied interests. Lilla particularly enjoyed the company of young men at her erotic events, however.

Arin didn't even notice that was already at Gran's house due to the gnawing curiosity of the party that night eating at him. He didn't stop walking until Gran called to him.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2017 ⏰

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