Chapter 4- The Compartment

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I turned around and smiled and so did he.

Mr Rogers; How great to see you, how have you been? how's school?

Me; Yeah I'm good thanks and yourself and yeah great actually.

Mr Rogers; That's good and I'm not to bad just... I've been wanting to work on something for the kids in town and since you a kid I was just wondering if you would come and see how it was and if they would like it?

And that was it something was going to happen I had I feeling what could I say to get out of this?

Me; Errm I would but it's getting late and my mum's expecting me home, another time.

Mr Rogers; It will only take a few minutes, come on you will love it and you will be the first to see it.

That's it there was no way out.

He opened the hatch that leaded underground, it looked amazing so I made myself go down. How stupid was I? He offered me a drink, I didn't want one but then he went on about how rude it was to say no and to be polite and take it, so I did.

I didn't feel safe there I needed to go home and NOW. I said to him that I really needed to go home for dinner and that my mum was expecting me. All he said was that I couldn't leave and he didn't want me to.

What was this? what does he think he is doing. As time went on the awkward silence was getting worse. This is it... I'm going to make a run for it. My heart was beating so fast. I ran. I climbed up the ladder as fast as I could. He grabbed my food and quite hard. It was starting to hurt. I was trying to tackle the pain. I felt him slowly starting to give up and then my leg was free and he was gone.

The only thing going through my mind was I got away, I'm going to live. And again I was wrong. He appeared and grabbed my by my waist and covered my mouth. There was now no escape.

Sorry I haven't updated I have just been really busy with exams and studying so I haven't really had time to write. 1 more chapter and then this book is finished and I know it's short but it's just a starter to all the ones in the future.

I have started one and it's called
My New Start- and it's a fanfiction from The Vamps so if you don't like fanfictions let me know and I will start a normal story line to another book :)

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Short Story- Based On The Lovely BonesWhere stories live. Discover now