Embracing Life

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Kathleen slept until a quarter after eight. Jumping out of bed and scrambling to get into her clothes she realizes her boys are probably still asleep. Unfortunately, they inherited her inability for early rising.

Running down the hall she calls out, "Hey, Max, Logan. Are you up? Please say that you're up!"

Seeing that both bedrooms are empty, she takes a quick look in the bathroom which is also empty. Maneuvering down the hall she has one shoe in hand and the other partway on. Scuffing her foot into the shoe with each step, it finally falls into place as she enters the kitchen.

"Mom, you'll never sneak up on anybody with your one shoe act." Max says as he squeezes out a huge blob of honey into his tea. He already has toast with a generous portion of peanut butter topped with more honey.

Fixing her other foot into the last shoe Kathleen gives each son a hug. "I love you more than my first cup of coffee!"

"No. That's not true. You love us after your first cup of coffee!" Logan says with a mouthful of cereal.

"True statement, but after my coffee I'm a nicer person. Speaking of, I've got just enough time to make a cup to go and then we've got to scram." She makes her way over to her espresso machine. "How come you guys are up and practically ready? Are dad's genes finally kicking in?"

"Nah, it's actually only 7:30 not 8:30. It's fall back time now. So, I guess you have time for breakfast and two cups of coffee!" Max said.

"You want me to make you peanut butter and honey toast, Mom?" Max asks.

Looking at his drowning toast she replies, "No, thanks. I think I'll eat some granola with yogurt."

Logan finished with his cereal and looking pretty much ready for school was watching her as she assembled her coffee making supplies. "Where are you going to be today, Mom?"

"Not too far from your school. I thought I'd try out that new coffee shop over on Delmont Street, Darcie said she might meet me there. You wanna ride the bus home or catch a ride with me?"

Max and Logan exchanged looks. "What? What am I missing here, guys? Wait. What day is it? Tuesday, no Wednesday. Right, that's practice for the both of you. I'll be there around 4:30 so I can watch the last part of it. Sound good?"

Logan said, "Sounds good if you bring us pizza for the ride home!" Max knuckle bumped his twin brother in agreement.

They were not identical, but their resemblance was close enough that most people assumed they were. Kathleen was so proud of them. They were close, she and her boys. They shared a love of life and had an amazing sense of humor. They were in archery and darn good at it too. Allen didn't get their love for archery, but sometimes he put up an effort to make it to one of their competitions.

After dropping the boys off at school Kathleen made her way to Wake Up With Joe coffee shop. She writes for three different online sites. One provides up to date information on health and nutrition.  Those she usually has certain guidelines she has to follow, the second one site is more freelance style where they let her wander where she wants, and the third one has more to do with community events and meetups. Her deadline for all three is this Friday. Kathleen found that writing in different locations helps to keep the flow going.

Her laptop paraphernalia covering most of the extra chair and corner table, she was deep into her article notes when her phone started buzzing. Finishing her line of thought first, she grabbed up the phone. "Hello?"

"Doesn't your phone tell you it's me?" Allen's voice comes thru with a touch of irritation.

"Allen, no, I mean, yes! It does, it's just that I was writing and didn't look as I answered." She wondered why sometimes he made her feel like she needed to defend herself, or at least explain why she did or didn't do something.

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