Anna Becomes the baby at 26 years old

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Hi my name is Anna,  i am 26 years old and i have Brown hair and Blue eyes. My two previous jobs i have had i worked as a receptionist. I was good at it to. But recentley i was let go at the job. Simply there was to many people being receptionist these days that it was hard for me to get another job as one.  I am 5foot5 in half and im really skinny so i look young for my age. My mom understood the sitatuion i was in and she knew i kept looking for jobs, but no jobs were calling me i kept getting upset. 

My mom made a plan to motivate me more get a job more even though i was really trying to get one. I was tired of being a receptionist and i wanted to do the job i went to college for. I majored in criminal justice in college, and i wanted to be a police officer like there is no tmr. Being a police officer was my passion i wanted to protect and serve the place i lived in i loved the idea of that. However getting to be a police officer is really complicated.  You have to pass a civil service test to become a cop. But they have to make these test so gosh darn hard, why do they make it so hard to pass i know once i become a cop i will be good at it i dont understand why they have to make it so hard. 

So in the mean time now. Im basically have no work, all i have right now as job experince is being a receptionist for 2 years. I apply to recpetionist postion everyday, but i rarely get phones calls. So untill then i guess im stuck at home.  My mom came in and said Anna, i know your trying really hard to find a job, and i know your studying hard to become a police officer. However the police officer test might not even be for another few years and so far your not getting any calls for your jobs. So young lady this is my house and my  rule my mom said and here is what i wanted to do.

I want to treat you like a baby again. I want to diaper you feed you a bottle and have pacfiers for you. I want you to be an Adult baby. MOOOOOOOOM WTF I said im 26 years old, im not a baby im trying to get a job. I know sweet heart but this is for me as much as it is for you.  I know you could get jobs other then a receptions like working at a store or something. But i dont want that for you and i know you dont want that either. Ugh, Anna agreed the only other jobs that were avaiable were store jobs. Which means Anna would have to greet customers and make sales. Anna did not wnat to do that.  I hate dealing with stuck up people who dont know what they want Anna said that would be hell i didn not go to college to work in some store i wanna be a cop. 

I know sweetheart aid Annas mom, thats why i have a proposition for you. Whats that im going on Vacation for a little bit which means you have the house to yourself. Really Anna said exictlingly. Yes but under one catch im hiring you a babysitter. BABYSITTER MOM IM NOT A BABY! i said.  I know your not a baby just trust me on this. The person who i hired to be your babysitter was a former cop. See where im going with this. NOOOOOOOO Anna said throwing a tantrum.  Your baby sitter is a former cop meaning she could help you study for your test. The test doesnt come out for another 2 years. So untill then just suck it up and enjoy being treated like a baby. Okay Anna finally gave as she whimpered. 

Ding Dong. Shes here your babysitter is here Annas Mom said. Annas Mom opens the door and here comes the beautiful babysitter. Shes 5foot10 blonde and blue eyed and she exctingly came in.  Annas mom told Anna that she is a lonely woman who could not have her own kids so shes looking forward to taking care of you. You have to do what she says ok Anna. Ok Anna said. The babysitters name is Wanda. Wanda is exited to see Anna, aww your so cute i cant wait to get started.  Remember Annas mother said this is suppose to distress you so just enjoy the ride Annas mom left for her vacation. 

Well lets get started Wanda said. What do babies wear that your not wearing Wanda said. Diapers..... I said. Your correct Anna let me change you out of your clothes. Wanda removed Annas white crop top  purple skirt purple bra and panties. You like to match your clothes thats so cute Wanda said. Wanda picked me up and powered my vagina and butt area. Wow this is a change Anna thought to herself it felt kinda of nice. Wanda tapped the sides of Annas AB Universe diaper and taped it good.

To old for a baby sitter but I guess I'm being babied at 26 year old.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora