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My dad lives all the way in Texas. This isn't suppose to happen so soon. He rises his eyebrows.

"I...I don't know. I don't wanna leave mom like you did." I say

"listen i didn't leave your mom ok. We just broke apart" he says

"Stop talking to me like I'm 12." I say crossing my arms

"We'll it wasn't my choice" he says. Yeah right that's bull.

"you can choose to make your own choices" I say sourly. "or was it Traci that made you. Oh wait it wasn't her because she said she didn't even know you were married. You didn't tell her about Mom! I bet you didn't even tell her about me until a few weeks ago!" My voice rising. I wanna get off this subject.

"there's food in the kitchen for you" I say and walk upstairs and slam my bedroom door. Ugh. I forgot Kylie was staying here. She was sitting on my bed biting her lip. Did she hear my dad and my conversation?

"hey" i say chocking on the word.

She just stares at me like she wants to tell me. I rise my eyebrow. Is she going to tell me the secret I've been dying to know? My birthday's in a couple weeks.

"spit it out Kylie" i say with smile

"you gotta tell me now" I look at her

"fine" she says and smiles.

"Your mom us coming home today. She will be here in a few hours. But she doesn't wanna come till your dad leaves" she says.

I hear the downstairs door open.

"hey. How did it go?" a strange women's voice says. Kylie and I exchange looks and run downstairs.

  There's a tall beautiful women with beach blond hair and blue eyes standing by my dad. They both turn and look at Kylie and I. My dad opens his mouth to speak but no words come out.

The women walks up to me.

"Hi there. Your Jacobs daughter right?" she asks. I nod. She's a little taller than i am. She smiles.

"My names Traci" she holds her hand out for me to shake it. I don't wanna be rude but she's the person who made my family separate. Should I shake it. Kylie must have read my expression because she come and shakes Traci's hand.

"Hi I'm kylie" kylie says

"Nice to meet you" says Traci.

"Kylie can I talk to you." I say and my eyes widen. "upstairs now" I say.

Kylie nods and starts walking upstairs and I follow her.

I close the door silently.

"Whats wrong?" she asks

"Everything" I say while throwing my hands up

"She made my family split!" I say raising my voice by accident. Kylie's eyes widen. I hear the door open again. I looks out my window and see my dad leaving with Traci.


A couple hours later my mom came upstairs in my room. I didn't wanna tell her that dad wanted me to move in with him and Traci. Kylie was pacing back and fourth biting her lip.

"whats wrong?" my mom says worried.

I look at kylie. Don't say it please.

Kylie keeps biting her lip and it starts to bleed. I let out a deep breath.

Kylie looks at me then looks at my mom. She's going to tell her.

"Her dad came over and he wants her to move in with Traci and her" she blurts out. My mom looked at me.

"It's time we told her" my mom says while looking at Kylie.

  Kylie nods. "When a vampire turns a certain age he or she has to live with another parent" Kylie says.

"I'm not a vampire" I say laughing

"you guys are kidding right?" I ask.

Kylie new about this....she must be a...vampire to... no this is ridiculous.

"Both of you get out of my room. I have school tommorrow and I can't be late like last time."

  They both leave my room and I close the door and fall asleep. Maybe I should move in with Traci and my dad but my mom will be here all by herself.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2014 ⏰

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