Confussion/First kiss

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You were walking to the turtles lair because you grew bored at home and you thought it was time to tell Leo how you felt. As soon as step foor into the lair Mikey ran up to you pulling you into a big bear hug.

"Y/N I CAN'T BEILEVE YOUR HEAR I MISSED YOU SO MUCH." Mikey said and you patting his shoulder

"Y..yeah Mikey I...I Can't breath." You tried telling him but he didn't listen till Donnie bardge in and yelled

"Mikey put her down and let her breath."  as of that respons Mikey put you down and you were trying to get your breath back

"S..sorry Y/N." Mikey apologized looking guilty but as soon as you got your breath back you rest a hand on his shoulder and said it was alright.

"So wheres Leo?" You asked then Raph came in with chompy and said he was in his room, you thank him and went to Leo's door and gave it a knock.When the door open you saw your leader in blue smiling at you

"Oh hey Y/N." Leo greeted you and let you enter the room, you felt your face heating up as you to sat on the bed and you saw Leo blushing as well. Leo took a big deep breath and looked at you and said

"Look Y/N I gptta tell you som."

"I LOVE YOU TO." You yelled before he could fnish his sentenceand with that he pulled your face up to his getting closer you felt your face heating, your hear racing and the BOOM your lips met his. You melted into the kiss and wrap your arms around his neck anfd you felt his arms around your waist. The kiss lasted for 2 minuts before Raph banged on the door

"LEO STOP MAKING OUT IN THEIR WE GOTTA GO ON PATROL." With that you to blushed and laughed

"Sorry Y/N I gotta go." Leo apologized and gave you one last peck on the lips before running off to the surface so you decided to spend the night with your new boyfriend

BOOM how about that well BYE

TMNT Leo X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now