billet-doux (melancholy mind III)

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the sky was dark

like the eye of a sunflower

or the raging black ocean you will be pushed in if you make one mistake

or trip over your feet,


or mind.

The stars were shining outside like Christmas lights on a newly decorated house in December,

I re-consider your letter,

your billet-doux.

Dear Scaredy Cat, 

you may see my name on this envelope never pick it up at the screams of silence after you say my name in your head.

I don't share your feelings but I'd like to try.

My blue mind is slowly taking over, my hands are numb and my face is cold.

I need someone to talk to.

Evergreen love,

from Marcel xo

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2017 ⏰

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