Cancer Scientist Facts(Cancer Research)

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A/N This is for my friend, Kristen, that wants to be a cancer scientist and I think that is AMAZING. So many people can be cured if cancer scientists find a cure for cancer. Kristen wants to save lives, and I think many people should want to do that too. If interested from the following facts below, research it! Just think, you could be the person that could find the lifesaving cure for millions of adults and children with cancer. 

1. Cancer Research is research to identify causes and develop strategies for prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and a cure. 

2. Cancer Research ranges from epidemiology, molecular bio science to the performance of clinical trials to evaluate and compare applications of the various cancer treatments. 

3. In 1958, cancer research became known and was summarized by Haddow.  

4. In 1981, Poll and Peto had conducted an epidemiological study in which they compared cancer rates for 37 specific cancers in the United States. (Next fact will provide outcome of their study.)

5. 75-80% of the cases of cancer in the United States are avoidable. The avoidable sources of cancer include tobacco, alcohol, food additives, pollution, medicines and medical procedures, etc. 


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