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Gabbie's POV

         Me and The Vlog Squad are going to a bar to celebrate Zanes birthday. We enter the bar and David asks us what we want. I just say nothing and everyone boos. I just roll my eyes and laugh. 


"Ya Liza?"

"What is the best alcohol here?"

"Why are you asking me?"

"Because she knows you are an alcoholic."

"Shut it Zane."

"I'm the birthday girl you cant say that to me." He says with his hand over is chest dramatically.

Then as we all start to drink they bring his cake over and we all sing happy birthday. He blows out his candles and cuts his cake. We all take a piece.

"Are you sure you should eat that? I mean I think you've had enough." Corina said.

I look down at my body and realize how bad it is and I through it in the trash.

"Ya trough it where you'll be later." She said

I look at all my other friends and none of them seem to notice what she's doing. I start running to the bathroom to cry when I run into someone. 

"Omg I'm so sor-  Wait are you The Gabbie Show!"

"Ya um I- Um I-." 

"My name is Alyssa. Can we take a picture?"

I quickly run from the girl because I know that any second I am gonna burst out crying. As I run into the bathroom I see Jason run into the bathroom. I don't question it. I run into a stall and start sobbing. 

"He will never love me. Zane will never love me." I mumble to myself.

I grab my purse and pull out a razorblade. I put it to my thigh but realize I'm wearing shorts so I pull up my sleeve and do my left wrist. I fell it pierce my skin and I fell my blood start dripping out. 

I walk out of the bathroom after cleaning up and Liza asks me where I was and I say I was in the bathroom and then she says they can't find Jason anywhere. We search the whole place and don't find him. We just assume that he went home so we all went back. Everyone else was going to David's house but I wanted to be alone so I went home.

In the morning I woke up to Liza texting me.

Hey Gabbie just to let you know no one has seen Jason anywhere. He didn't go to his house and me and David went back to the bar and his car was still there. So ya let us know if you see him and we will too.

I sigh and check twitter and I see the same old things. But when I clicked the news section a news article struck me.

Jason Nash Reported Missing

That was the first part of this book. I hope you enjoyed it. Also no hate towards Gabbie. I think she looks amazing and so does everyone in the world. That was just apart of the story and if you don't like it or are offended by it I'm sorry.

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