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She said Her name was .... Asuna Yuuki and she was a healer. That she was dating the man next to her which his name was Kirito and was often called the Black Swordsman because he was in all black and one of the best swordsman. Many people didn't know but you took Karate when you were younger and had a third degree black belt and one of the best in the country. The purple haired girl finally revealed her name to be Konno Yuuki but everybody called her Yuuki. You then noticed in a way Asuna and Yuuki had the same name. Yuuki then said this is my friend... actually i don't know your name. You say it is y/n and they say that is a spectacular name. Asuna then asks of they can go to Kirito and Asunas cabin in the snowy part of the world. You then said sure and walked along happily. Then out of nowhere Yuuki said what are we thinking why don't we fly. You SUDDENLY WENT stiff and said you can fly? Asuna said yes and asked how good your flying skill was. You stayed silent and then said I actually don't know how to fly. They all gasped and looked at Kirito. He said fine then out of nowhere a pixie sort of small person came out of his pocket. Kirito said Yui can you please tell y/n how to fly she said yes papa and flew over to.

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