Chapter 4

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The morning of the world cup passed on about the same as it did before. Harry and Hermione were introduced to the tents, they watched Mr. Weasley play with matches, and they went to retrieve the water.

On the trip to retrieve the water, Harry tried to avoid talking to Cho Chang as he had no feelings for her anymore. When Harry realized this fact it made him slightly happier. Now instead of focusing on a girl that he would never have a chance with, it was time to get the girl that he truly loved. This way he would have more time together with her, before the weight of the Wizarding World was put on his shoulders.

When they got back from getting water, it was only a short while before the older Weasley Children showed up. Harry had forgotten one important detail about the coming year, he wasn't introduced to this thought until Pompous Percy brought up his wonderfully, amazing boss, Barty Crouch.

Harry can't believe that he forgot about the man who was the whole reason for the years tragedies. Harry respected the man though. Who else would have the guts to sneak their son out of Azkaban. Harry wasn't proud of what the man did, although he was relieved that he did it all out of love for his wife.

He just had to make sure that Crouch Jr.  doesn't steal his wand, that he doesn't escape this time, and that he isn't able to impersonate Alastor Moody. One thing that he was certain he had to do was allow Voldemort to return.  In order for him to die, he has to have a body to kill. He just couldn't let Cedric die on the way there.

Harry's thoughts were returned to the present when he heard Hermione talking to him.

"Harry. Harry. Harry?"

"Wha...What?" He stumbled out. "Oh sorry what were you saying?"

'I was saying don't you think its amazing how so many witches and wizards can get together without anyone knowing?"

"Oh yeah its incredible."

'Are you alright Harry?"

"Yeah of course I am! Why?"

"You just keep spacing off alot. Is there anything you need to tell us?" She asked him expectantly.

"No not really. Its just alot to take in." He felt bad about lying to Hermione, but he couldn't really tell her he was sent back to the past. He didn't think anyone would believe him, except maybe 2 people.

He really needed to get a letter sent out to his godfather, and headmaster.


Sorry for the horribly long wait! I have been so incredibly busy lately! but that really is a horrible excuse cuz everyone uses it! I have mostly been busy, but I have also been too lazy to write anything.

I know its not much, but its all that I could think of at the moment! Let me know what you think about it! School gets out this week so I will try to upload soon once I'm done!! Yikes!! Time for high school!! scary!!


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