Only If He Had Payed Atteniton

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Ellen's POV -
What? Why? How? So many things going through my head. 1...2...3... cop cars, 1...2 ambulances. Patrick! Why... "PATRICK!!!" I scream. He's getting into the ambulance. I drive behind the ambulance. To the hospital...

Patrick's  POV-
It just happened so quick! I didn't even see the car coming... I want to open my moth to tell Ellen to stop crying, that everything is ok, but i can't. I CANT OPEN MY DAMN MOUTH!! I see doctors everywhere around me. Pulling, moving me. I can't feel anything. Ellen... i'm sorry...

Ellen's POV-
"OMG PATRICK!!!" I scream as i hear the beeping of the machine.

"CHAGE TO 200!!! CLEAR!!"

I'm crying, obviously loudly. It's terrifying . He's stable... They bring him up to be OR. Not telling me what's wrong, just rushing to get him up there. I go into the trauma room they had him in, a nurse is cleaning all his blood up. There is so much blood... I get dizzy.

About 12 hour had passed

Patrick's POV-
I wake up, so much pain. I'm hooked to about 2...3 machines. "ELLEN!!" I scream. "Patrick... Patrick i'm here" Ellen says sobbing. She's hurt, i feel bad. "Ellen i'm-i'm so sorry, i didn't..." Ellen interrupts me. "Don't apologize, it's not your fault, you are a stupid jackass for not paying attention but please don't apologize" Ellen said wiping her tears. We both laugh. Ellen cuddles up next to me. My hands in her hair, she was asleep.

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