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(Picture above is just a face claim, I'm very insecure-but holy hell that person is hot)
Hello, as you may have read, I am Theo(dore), I'm a 15 yr FTM student, I enjoy writing and extremely despise everything about my school. Despite me being more a " Left brain " I have taken over publishing dates and things like that, if you have any questions, just pm us and I'll try to respond to you as quick as possible!

Also expect these up coming books:
1. Jazz class ( It 2017 book )
2. Mr.excuses ( Text book ( Finn wolfhard) )
All published by me.

Me and Timbin will work on jointed books ( of course ) but the posting schedule might be a bit rocky at first but here it is!:
Tuesday- 10-12:00
Thursday- 9-11:35
Friday 11-12:30 ( some times )

And just some other info is that we are both mainly active at night, and it might not be every week that we post, sometimes every other week- but still at the same times!

Maybe I'll post an original book sometime, too😉
- Theo ( 🎷 )

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