The Unusual Friend

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It just a normal beautiful day in the small town of Ponyville, everything was just like any other day. It was the rush hour for the Ponyville market place, this is where many of the ponies sold there products if they didn't have there own stores. Twilight Sparkle is the princess of friendship was with Spike and her best friends where going to visit her friend Apple Jack and her family who where working at the market as they usually do. Apple Jack and her two siblings Big Macintosh and Apple Bloom along with Granny Smith from time to time where regulars to the mark place. Because she and the rest of her family owned Sweet Apple Acres the largest company in Ponyville, they are the always set up for market every time. The group had found the Apple family in there usual place smack straight in the center of the market, but they could see that there was some pony unusual buying from there stand.

"Hey Pinke Pie, do you know who that pony is?" Asked Twilight.

"Nope, sorry Twilight but I have never seen that pony before." Said the pink earth pony.

"But the pony seems to be a stallion." Said Rarity the white coated unicorn. 

"But why is he covering himself up." Said Fluttershy a yellow coated pegasus. 

"Yeah Fluttershy is right, Ponyville isn't the type of place that you need to do that type of thing." Said Rainbow Dash a cyan coated pegasus with rainbow mane.

"I wonder why he's covering himself up?" Asked Spike the young dragon.

"Your right Spike, Ponyville isn't a place where you need to conceal yourself." Said Rainbow Dash clearly wanting to know who the unknown stallion was. 

"So the big question is why he has a cloak on?" Asked Twilight.

The group of mares continued to stare at the unusual pony, there was just something about that pony that just seemed off. Then a gray coated pegasus mare with bright yellow mane with seven bubbles as a cutie mark. The mare ended up tripping on the stallion's cloak revealing what the mysterious stallion was trying to hide.

"O MY CELESTIA!!!" Twilight shouted at a lost for words.

"I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!!" Squid Rarity trying not to feint. 

"Y-your an alicorn!!" Said Pinke Pie completely shocked.

The towns where equally surprises and shocked to see an alicorn much less a male alicorn. The alicorn who had a silver coat with a short smooth golden mane, his cutie was of two yellow swords crossing behind a bright red heart. The male alicorn had of look of embarrassment, like he was ashamed of being reviled.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2018 ⏰

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