Chapter 7: Watery Waters [The Past]

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6 years ago/ 2126

"Here, sit with me," the bronze hair boy says. I go to sit with him at one of the seats that are further back. We sit in peaceful silence. The view outside is beautiful, trees mice with the wind and flowers blossom in the warm sun.

It looks like we are far from the city.

After awhile, I open my eyes and realise that I had fallen asleep. Only God knows how much time had passed.

A building comes into view and the bus comes to a stop with a "skeee" sound, complaining to the bus driver that it needs its wheel joints oiled. We get out of the bus, a mixture of girls and boys of different races.

The boy walks beside me as we continue ahead into the tall building. The building is engulfed by a garden and has a gate at its entrance. A bird tweets as it bathes in the water flowing down the fountain. The gate opens towards us and we take a step back to let it.

We walk on the coble stones, bare feet. Finally reaching the huge doors of the building, I knock on the chocolate-brown wood as everyone else stood there silently.

"Welcome," a voice says, "to the ASA - Ambrizes Schooling Academy."

A face is brought to the voice as she appears behind the door. "My name is Mrs Waters."

Upon entering, I see that that are guards standing at the door. This place must be really secretive to have guards protecting it.

We look around seeing a huge stairway leading to another floor. It is very bright with the cool marble floor and marble walls with a zic-zac white pattern that separates the marble.

I look at the bronze hair boy, raising an eyebrow and he smiles in return.

"Come along then."

With Mrs Waters leading us, we walk side by side looking like patients with our white overalls and tired expressions.

Although I was impressed with how classy the interior of the building was, I yawn. The sleeping in the bus has obviously not recharged my energy. We are led to the elevator at the right.

"Enter all of you."

The twenty of us enter the lift. I breathe in the stuffy stagnant air around me light perfume trying to mask it.

The number of people that are packed like sardines into this small lift made this extremely uncomfortable.

The lift stops and I look to the bronze hair boy again. My expression must have showed him what I felt which is extreme fear because the next thing he does is to smile and hold my hand.

The lift door slides open and with the blinding light shining at our races, we exit the lift to the unknown.

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