Chapter 3

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  • Dedicated to Jaywing! For inspiring Jay!!

New chapter!!! 


-The weekend-

I open my eyes and see Mason standing over me.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY ROOM‽‽‽‽" I scream pulling my blanket up over my head.

He replies, "Oh your mom let me in an hour ago, I was just waiting." 

I lower my blanket. "Okay... then why are you here? And what time is it?"

"It is 7:38 on the dot." he said looking at his watch. "And I am here with henry to take you to the beach!"

I pull my covers back over my head and mumble about how early it is. Then as I started to get back to sleep, My blanket is pulled off of me and I am soaked. 

"WHAT THE FLIPPIN FUZZIN CABOODLES‽" I yell then realize he has no cup that could have held the water. "Wait how did you throw water at me with out a cu-" 

He slams his hand over my mouth "No time get dressed meet us in the truck in five." 

He runs out of my room. I figure I'm just tired and go to my closet. I put on a black t-shirt with Purple checkered skinny jeans, And a leather jacket. I thought the jeans made the outfit more interesting. I packed a bag with my swim shorts and quickly straightened my black hair before running out the door to Henry's car. 

"That's what you are wearing to the beach?" Asks Henry. 

"I packed my swim shorts. " I replied

Mason looked at my outfit and smirked. "Nice pants."

"Your just jealous that they aren't yours." I remarked. 

As we headed to the beach they told me Oliver, Bryn, Logan, Damien, and Bryns cousin Valentina were also coming. 

When we got to the beach I saw my friends and I girl who must be Valentina. She had red hair and bright green eyes. I quickly fixed my hair over my eye as I walked over to them. 

"Hey." I decided to keep it short.

"NIXIE!" Oliver came over and put her arm over my shoulder. 

"Hi Oliver, I thought I said I don't like you calling me that." I muttered. She just laughed and gave Henry a hug. 

I walked up to Damien and he didn't notice, Of course. So I poked his forehead and he slapped me. 

"Ow." I say plainly.

He smirks, "You deserved it." 

"Yeah, I know that. And I also know you are wishing Katy Perry had poked you instead of me. "

"Dude how did you know that?" He asks in awe.

"I still have no clue." I whisper, "It keeps happening that I know what people are thinking about. I am just choosing to embrace it. It is still pretty weird though. I don't plan on telling anyone but you. And please don't tell Bryn. She blabs everything!" 

"Sure thing buddy." He says as Valentina walked over to us. 

"Hello" she greeted in a french accent. "I'm Valentina but please call me Tina." 

"I'm Nixon" I smile at her.

"Oh you are the British friend! Bryn told me about you!!!" She put on a huge smile. "Lovely to meet you!" 

"You too." I laugh awkwardly and walk towards the water. 

At the water I look in not wanting to go swimming. I start to head up the beach to a small coffee shop for some coffee before I pass out. When I get there there is only one guy working. I order a small coffee black and the guy says, "Friends dragged you out here for a 'fun' day at the beach?"

"Sadly"I say sipping the coffee

"You could always hang here for an hour" The guy offered

I replied, "I think I will take you up on that offer, I'm Nixon." I hold out my hand.

"Jay" He shakes my hand.

In our hour of talking I found out jay goes to my school. He is actually in my history class. He seemed cool. I invited him to join us at the beach and he accepted. As we walked back everyone was looking scared. 

"Whats wrong guys?" I asked. 

Then Henry ran up to me and hugged me "YOU HAD US ALL WORRIED! I'M SO GLAD YOU ARE ALIVE! I COULD KISS YO- Well maybe not kiss you but we all just thought you drowned." He finished awkwardly. 

"Okay then" I said pushing Henry away form me. "I just went to get coffee and started talking to jay here." I pointed at Jay and they all noticed he was there. They all said hi to him before I asked, "Wait if you thought I had drowned, why were you looking in the sand not the water?" 

They all stopped talking and thought about it before Logan spoke up. "I was just looking for shells, I saw you walk up to the cafe." Everyone looked at him.

"YOU KNEW WHERE HE WAS?!?!" Yelled Oliver.

"Yup" He said popping the 'P' .

They all started arguing and I interrupted "Why don't we go swimming now?" 

They all went along with it and headed to the water. I stayed on the sand fully clothed. I put on some sunglasses and turned on my IPod. I listened to my chemical romance for a while. Then Oliver came up to me and asked. "Why are you not going swimming?"

"I like my pale skin." I smile at her. I realize Bryn is eating a hot dog by the shore.

"Your no fun." She finishes and runs back to the water.

At 7:30  we ate burgers and salad on the beach. They kept nagging me about my clothes and not swimming. Damien thought I was going to get heat stroke but I was fine. None of them knew that I also had a tattoo on my arm I didn't want them to see. I decided to keep it unknown. 

By 11 we had ate s'mores and played spin the bottle. It was weird and I don't want to talk about it. 

Then Valentina gave me her phone number and on the ride home Henry and Mason tried to pay me for it. It was the best day I had had since I moved. Yet, somewhere in the back of my mind I know that it was not going to last. 


Thanks for reading!!! Im gonna start another story I think. 

Please leave comments!!

Xoxo ~Marigold

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