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Erin's pov

Was I hearing correctly? Me and Harry's were going to be working on the project together, which means we will need to spend time out of school together. I couldn't help but have a mini party inside my head. After finishing the list he informed us we would have the rest of class to discuss the project with our partners. I gathered my things which only consisted of my binder and biology book, and went and sat by Harry. I sat down and looked at him only to find he was already looking at me.

"Well hey partner" Harry said before chuckling.

"Yeah, how ironic?" i try to contain my giddyness.

"Yeah i know, so uh who's house?" i look at him confused as to what he meant.

he continues "Like to do the project? we cant do it at school." he laughs like a little kid.

Even his laugh is perfect, it makes my heart flutter. No stop get yourself together Erin, you barely know this guy.

"Uh we could do my house if you'd like?" i reply hesitantly.

"You don't seem to sure about that" he smirks at me, he can read me like a book and i dont like it. Thinking about him finding everything out makes me cringe.

"No its fine we can do the project at my house" i say confidently.

"Okay if you insist" i widen my eyes at him. Did that come of rude to him?

as if reading my thoughts he replies

"Im kidding, its cool if we go to your house" okay now im scared, he knows exactly what im thinking literally, exactly.

The bell rings signaling its the end of 4th period. I gather my thing, throw a quick goodbye and im on my way.

The rest of the day goes by painfully slow and all i can think about is the curly haired dweeb that im falling for. Im not in love with him because i barely know him but he is definitely attractive and has a charming personality from what I have experienced. But there isnt a possibility of him thinking of me anything more than a friend.

Harry's pov

I cant think about anything but her. I dont know anything about her except her name. The name that fits her so well. Her long flowing hair that i want to tangle my hands in. Her blue eyes that are a deep ocean that i wish to swim in. Something about her screams mysterious and i plan on getting to the bottom of it. Erin Williams has me falling head over heels for her and she only sees me as another kid from hr school. Hopefully this project we have to do together will allow me to get closer to her, learn who the real Erin is.

The final bell rings and i run to my locker and collect my things and im on a hunt for Erin. I find her at her locker talking to her friend i believe is named Cami. Debating weather or not I should interrupt their "gossip" my thoughts are interrupted by my name being called. It was Erin she was signaling for me to go over to her. She shoos Cami away with a swish of her hand and turns to smile at me.

"Ready?" she warmly smirks at me. Not trusting my voice, i reply with a nod of my head.

"Do you have a car?" she asks me as we make our way out to the school parking lot.

"Yeah um i do but today i just happened to take the bus" i nervously rub my neck, a habit ive picked up from my dad.

"Oh okay then we can just take mine" i feel my cheeks heat from embarrassment, out of all days today is the day i decide to ride the bus. Feeling her gaze i look into her eyes to see no one speck of judgment. This girl just gets better and better. We walk up to a normal car. Not a mustang or an Audi, no its a normal person car. You would never of known she had money unless you knew where she lived or who her family was.

We arrive at her house and its exactly what I expected it to be. I brownish color it sits at the hill of her neighborhood as if on display to everyone. I can only imagine what her room would look like. She parks the car and looks at me nervously.

"My dad doesn't exactly know you were coming over" she bits her lip before continuing

"So if you could let me go in and warn him before you come in.."

"Yes of course that's fine" I give her a reassuring smile. She smiles back before opening the door and walking up to her house, she looks back at me one more time before stepping in.

Erin's pov

I nervously and slowly shut the door to my house, afraid of what is to come. I look around the house looking for my dad only to realize he isn't in his normal area of the living room with either work in his hands or a drink. I make my way upstairs thinking he could be in his office. My thoughts were correct when i see him sitting at his desk rubbing his temples.I timidly walk in and wait for him to realize I was there to speak. He raises his head and gives me a deathly glare.

"What do you need Erin, im trying to work." he emphasizes each and every word as a warning glare to watch what I say.

"I was just wondering is it was okay if me and a friend work on a project together?" i look away from his harsh gaze and look at me shoes.

"What friend may i ask?" his voice lightens up the slightest bit and i gain a little hope that i wont get a harsh beating.

"Uh Harry" i continue to look at my shoes thinking they are more interesting at the moment.

"Erin we've talked about this i don't like you being alone with a boy"

"I know Dad but ill make sure we stay in the kitchen?" i try to compromise with him finally gaining the courage to look into his eyes. Right when I believe he is going to allow it something snaps in his mind.

"No absolutely not" he returns to work on his business matters.

"You cant isolate me from doing anything, this is a school project and I have to work on it with Harry it doesn't have to be here but weather you like it or not I will be somewhere else alone with him" I finish my vent and cross my arms over my chest trying to maintain my sudden confidence. That becomes a hard task once I see my dad forcefully stand back while shoving his chair into the wall. Certain it left a hole, I watch him huff over to me.

Harry's pov

Hearing a loud thud, I quickly make my way into the house and follow the footsteps I hear from upstairs. All I remember was hearing the loud smack as his hand made contact with her delicate cheeks.

{an Im so sorry for switching pov's so much in this chapter but it helps with knowing whats going on. Cliffhanger;) until next time -m}

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