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Title:Down By the Lake
Word count:655 (before this)


May 19, 1999

    This day made headlines in the small town of Rosehill. A body was found face down in a lake at the edge of the town. The body was the young Maddie Hill age 8 whom was lost for a number of years. After the shocking revelation chief Maddie Doe immediately went to give the Hill family the shocking news. The Hills were the top family and to have their child removed was a setback.

  Promptly after Doe to conduct her studies with the forensic team, Miss Hill had bruising on her cheeks, neck, and back. She had lacerations from her right shoulder to her middle finger, and some deep cuts on her left cheek, stomach, and neck. Her tongue, left pinkie, and right eye were found 13 meters away.

  This reminded Doe of a few other news breaking headlines in the past 7 years, she blew it off because the murderer had been behind bars as of last month or so she thought. The killer was let out for 'good behavior' aka he broke out. The only explanation was that it was a slow day.

May 19, 2000

  Even after a year Doe hasn't stopped trying to find who killed Maddie. She decided to look over all evidence once again. The first article read 'Maddie Low murdered in cold blood as of late 1998.Maddie was age 7 and found down by the lake with eyes gouged out.' The next one 'Maddie Sung, killed in her crib. Baby Sung was only 2 years of age when found in her crib with her heart and liver torn out. There was evidence of head trauma' and the last 'Maddie Highton found dead in her car, her head smashed through the window skull smashed opened,glass fragments embedded in her cheek and neck,coagulated blood drips from the holes brain matter dispersed around the car. Miss Highton was age 17 and arrangements will be made.'

"Maddie Hill, Maddie Low, Maddie Sung, and Maddie Highton...why are they all Maddie. What sick bastard would kill 4 girls named Maddie."

Doe only had to do one search and found out why it was only Maddie, what she found was disturbing.

'July 21, 1987

  Mrs.Maddie June was killed by her boyfriend Damien Flowers. Keep your children and wives hidden form this mad man. Lady June was suspected to be a cheater so her partner was cheating so he did the most logical thing killed her as she took a bath.

Lady June was found nude in the bath tub with her left ring finger chopped off, deep slits from her shoulder to her right middle finger and a slit on her cheek and neck, her tongue cut out, her chest was tore open and her heart ripped out. The whole tub was covered in a thick red mucus like sludge.'

   Doe took this as a sign there were only 6 Maddie's in this small town. She was the last surviving one, was she next? She was beyond scared, with all her panic she didn't hear the door open. Suddenly a rag was placed over her mouth and nose she thrashed and moved violently, within 5 minutes she was out. Doe was dragged into a van and gagged with a black rag and her eyes were covered. When she woke up she was in someone's basement

"Damnit..." she muttered quietly. She became one of the Maddie's, her jaw dropped down to the ground when she saw who her kidnapper was it was the same person who killed Maddie June. And all the Maddie's to tell the truth. He smirked and glared at her. The only words she heard were "No more Maddie."

  Then it all went black, she could still hear and feel. But she could see nothing. A sharp pierce went through her and blood spilled out from everywhere. Her neck was slit and her body was beyond damaged. The last Maddie was removed, the world was safe from all the 'Heartbreak and danger' that they caused.

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